Ukraine Movies Page 45

The most popular movies from Ukraine page 45 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Ukraine, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Int. Kitchen. Night (2018)

Int. Kitchen. Night (2018)

A nervous married couple, two radiant high school graduates, an ambiguous folk song and a cake – the table is set for a disaster. A surreal satire...

Once Upon a Time There Were Thoughts... (1983)

Once Upon a Time There Were Thoughts... (1983)

About thoughts different in character and mood that create a unique atmosphere around. The wonderful idea brings a light disorder, the funny one...

Dying Swan (2023)

Dying Swan (2023)

Fedor Orlenko was once a renowned ballet dancer who now lives in a small town. Caught in a long term depression, Fedor decides to end his life, but...

Sashenka (2022)

Sashenka (2022)

In the night, someone shoots an elderly couple in their sleep with a hunting rifle, leaving their twenty-year-old son, disabled and confined to a...

Small Rope (1990)

Small Rope (1990)

Playing hide and seek game comes to a sticky end for the cat Tutti and the hippo Topa. Tutti stuck in a well, as the idea to hide there seemed quite...

Rainbow over the Karakum (2016)

Rainbow over the Karakum (2016)

During World War II the Kyiv Film Studio relocates to Ashgabat, which will provide a safe haven for many Soviet filmmakers. This is where, thousands...

Credenza (2014)

Credenza (2014)

Christmas Lviv. Cellist Orest is entangled in a chain of personal, domestic and work problems. And at some point it reaches the boiling point.

Andriy's Love (1912)

Andriy's Love (1912)

Ukrainian silent film, based on a "Taras Bulba" by M. Gogol. Lost.

Against the Sun (2004)

Against the Sun (2004)

Tymofiy Sautkin, a potter from Kyiv, is trying to escape from daily routine and his quarrelsome wife. He finds himself on an island, where he...

Mykola and the German (2005)

Mykola and the German (2005)

The film explores the feelings of ordinary people involved in a global conflict – a war. The authors show a simple story of the detention of...

Black Level (2017)

Black Level (2017)

Loneliness dwells in a big city; Kostya, the wedding photographer, dwells there too. At work, he is surrounded by happy people celebrating special...

Witold (2023)

Witold (2023)

After overhearing a quarrel, Witold, a new resident of the communal apartment, meets a young writer Serhiy. In no time, Serhiy becomes an...

Stop Revolution! (2007)

Stop Revolution! (2007)

The Chernobyl tragedy in the Ukraine affected so many people, including nuclear physicist Nestor Ivanovich Hreem. The man who never made compromises...

Night Raids (1931)

Night Raids (1931)

A peasant visits the DneproGES construction. Agitprop film about industrialisation and Dnieper Hydroelectric Station construction.

Shoes (1982)

Shoes (1982)

Nobody ever thought about what our shoes do while we sleep? Perhaps, while we indulge in the sweet enjoyment of sleep, our shoes, sneakers, shoes,...

Lethal Kittens 2 (1969)

Lethal Kittens 2 (1969)

About the politically incorrect and patriotic adventures of four friends in a mysterious convent full of dangers. This time, to save Ukraine, the...

Beyond (2015)

Beyond (2015)

Death, which did not happen – it's just the beginning. Iryna miraculously survived after an accident. Facing death changed her forever. From time...