Ukraine Movies Page 48

The most popular movies from Ukraine page 48 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Ukraine, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Lustration (2016)

Lustration (2016)

Lustration - a story of the struggle of Yehor Soboliev, the 'chief lustrator of the country', to pass the Ukrainian bill on government lustration,...

The Gift (1968)

The Gift (1968)

The film is addressed to children. It touches the theme of good and reciprocity between animals in the winter.

Shit! (2009)

Shit! (2009)

A story about a sad incident that have made lighter one’s unbearable being.

Kobzar 2015 (2017)

Kobzar 2015 (2017)

In the adaptation of a poem by Taras Shevchenko in the last third of XVIII a small fraction of 300 Cossacks who were enslaving their own people for...

Murals (2023)

Murals (2023)

An audacious war of conquest is being waged in the heart of Europe, a criminal military force has invaded a sovereign nation and is systematically...

Spartacus (1926)

Spartacus (1926)

The owner of the gladiator school buys two slaves, the Thracian Spartacus and the Gaul Artorix. During the first fight in the arena, Spartacus wins...

Myr (2016)

Myr (2016)

Myr - a film about Myroslav Hai, an acting teacher in the famous project So You Think You Can Dance, who, during the very first days of Russia's...

Love Story (1992)

Love Story (1992)

Worm, trying to save himself from death, accidentally ends up in a cinema watching a frank film for adults. Since then, he is obsessed with the idea...

From Now On (2020)

From Now On (2020)

A young surgeon loses a patient on the operating table for the first time in his practice. Formally, he is not guilty, but he accuses himself. The...

The Roommate (2023)

The Roommate (2023)

Maksym and Artem are roommates. Artem was expelled from the university and he will go home tomorrow. Will the last word be said and does it make...

On the Edge (2017)

On the Edge (2017)

Wanting to commit suicide, the guy intends to jump off the bridge. An unfamiliar girl intervenes in the process. After communicating with her, the...

The Chumaks' Way (1980)

The Chumaks' Way (1980)

It happened long ago on the Ukrainian land, in those days when many people could not get salt, which was the most important value. A simple lad...

Hug Me (2018)

Hug Me (2018)

An unexpected arrival of his beloved Andrew became a true surprise for the 25-year-old Forest. However, after two happy days, spent together , the...

To Be at Home (2024)

To Be at Home (2024)

How has the war in Ukraine altered the lives of those left behind? How do individuals grapple with the necessity of relocating to another country?...

Hundred Thousands (1958)

Hundred Thousands (1958)

Herasym Kalytka, dreams of hundred thousand rubles to buy as much as possible land. For this purpose he decides to buy notes from the forger. But the...

Territory (2023)

Territory (2023)

Documentary students are shooting a revealing film about the waste-dumping mafia. The local "Garbage Baron" understands that the film will show him...

The Living (2009)

The Living (2009)

Tells the story of the tragic events in Ukraine in 1932-33, the genocidal Great Famine or the Holodomor, and one Welshman's attempts to tell the...