Ukraine Movies Page 6

The most popular movies from Ukraine page 6 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Ukraine, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Fight Rules (2017)

The Fight Rules (2017)

Film tells an exciting story of a confrontation between talented boxer and criminal patrons of mixed fights MMA.

December Tale (2018)

December Tale (2018)

Little boy Artem with his parents recently moved from a big city to a small Carpathian village. Holidays are coming and, like all children, Artem is...

The Chicken In The Cell (1978)

The Chicken In The Cell (1978)

About a chicken in a little cell, which did not want to be friends with anyone, because all the rest were some in a spot, some in a stripe, and some...

A Terrible Vengeance (1988)

A Terrible Vengeance (1988)

About friendship, betrayal and hidden resentments that have befallen the protagonists during their stay in the royal army. For instance, one...

Crimean Legend (1969)

Crimean Legend (1969)

The animation was shot based on the folk tale about Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain).

How the Cossacks Played Football (1970)

How the Cossacks Played Football (1970)

A group of cossacks travels around Europe, playing football against the teams of different countries, each of which has their very unique playing...

Chervonyi (2017)

Chervonyi (2017)

Year 1947. Commander of UPA Danylo Chervonyi gets into the terrible slaughter of Stalin's camps, where he must go through hell and inhumane prison...

High Pass (1981)

High Pass (1981)

World War II scattered the Carpathian peasant family of Yaroslava Petrin. She is a dedicated communist, and her husband, son and daughter support...

Marine Hunter (1954)

Marine Hunter (1954)

The action takes place during the Second World War in the battle zone over the Black Sea coast. Soviet sailors track down an enemy submarine....

Miracle in the Land of Oblivion (1991)

Miracle in the Land of Oblivion (1991)

In a small Ukrainian village Rudivka, where a rumor begins to circulate that the Second Coming is nigh and that the Messiah is already somewhere in...

Once Upon a Time in Ukraine (2020)

Once Upon a Time in Ukraine (2020)

What if Taras Shevchenko put down his pen and took a samurai sword into his hands? Akayo samurai enters the territory of Ukraine, seeking revenge on...

The Kyiv Direction (1968)

The Kyiv Direction (1968)

Historical and military film about the exploits of fighters during Kyiv defense against the onset of the Nazi troops. In virtually hopeless situation...

Khaytarma (2013)

Khaytarma (2013)

The film tells about the tragic date in the history of the Crimean Tatar people — May 18, 1944 — Stalin’s deportation of the Crimean Tatars....

A Friend of the Deceased (1997)

A Friend of the Deceased (1997)

Tolla is an unemployed translator whose wife is leaving him. Despondent and weak, he submits to the suggestion of an acquaintance to have a contract...

Volcano (2018)

Volcano (2018)

A series of odd coincidences has left Lukas, an interpreter for an OSCE military checkpoint inspection tour, stranded near a small southern Ukrainian...

Stolen Happiness (1984)

Stolen Happiness (1984)

Anna and Michailo grow up together, attracted to each other since their earliest days. When Anna's father dies, her brothers force her into marriage...

Ukraine, Goodbye! (2011)

Ukraine, Goodbye! (2011)

Ukraine, goodbye! - Ukrainian film Almanac — a collection of short films about the acute social problem of Ukraine-emigration abroad. The...

Numbers (2020)

Numbers (2020)

Ten figures walk around in a circle. All they have is a number. The “Great Zero” monitors them. Based on a dystopian parable by Oleg Sentsov,...

Double Stakes

Double Stakes

The series features a hero of our time, a guy who after being discharged from the front challenged the circles of crime and corrupt officials in the...

#@)₴?$0 with Michael Shchur

#@)₴?$0 with Michael Shchur

Weekly satirical news digest with host Roman Vintoniv as Michael Schur.



A series about the evolution of various spheres of Ukrainian culture and its modern heroes. This is the result of 100+ interviews and stories about...

The Bachelor

The Bachelor

Ukrainian dating reality show, an adaptation of the American eponymous project.



The series introduces us to the Lapin family. The marital relationship between Vera and Oleg is far from ideal, because of the fire of their love...