Uganda Movies Page 3

The most popular movies from Uganda page 3 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Uganda, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Fatuma (2018)

Fatuma (2018)

A woman single-handedly shoulders her family's burdens, without reward or thanks, to farm her husband's land and keep the family fed and cared for....

Kapitano (2016)

Kapitano (2016)

New action movie from Wakaliwood.

Married to Work (2023)

Married to Work (2023)

To save their real estate agency, an ambitious businesswoman and her entitled boss must convince an investor they're married -- despite hating each...

EONII (2023)

EONII (2023)

In the distant future, a lone scientist makes a breakthrough discovery, called EONII, that may save the Nation and the Continent. Forces in the...

The Ivory Trap (2016)

The Ivory Trap (2016)

An action movie about hunting animals.

Amuka (2021)

Amuka (2021)

The Democratic Republic of Congo could feed almost 1 in 2 people on Earth. Yet one in six Congolese people suffer from hunger. Yet one in two...

Click Click Bang (2023)

Click Click Bang (2023)

When Kev, a super talented footballer's dream come crushing down, he is left with no choice but to join the criminal world. In the process of trying...

Peponi: The Paradise of Crooks (2021)

Peponi: The Paradise of Crooks (2021)

A story about a young African man living with his beautiful childhood love interest in a bedroom shack, struggling to find work. He then gets a once...

T-Junction (2017)

T-Junction (2017)

After the passing of her estranged father, Fatima makes an unlikely friend at a hospital, Maria. Bound by pain, Fatima keeps coming back to hear...

Kizingo (2017)

Kizingo (2017)

11 years old JOHNI and his ten year old sister SONI stumble on a sack of cash hidden by the thugs ROBAA and KAUZI. When the two thugs realise it is...

Nairobby (2021)

Nairobby (2021)

After successfully pulling off a heist, six university students live a life on the run as jealously and greed put their friendships to the test.

The Voice in the Hollow (2022)

The Voice in the Hollow (2022)

An African fable of sisterhood, envy and ancient evil. The story of Ala and Coa from the Leopards tribe. When her sister outshines her once again,...

Maisha, Maisha Tu (2019)

Maisha, Maisha Tu (2019)

Shot in Tanzania, this feature film shows four different life stories - stories of challenges, opportunities and second chances.

The Intruder (2022)

The Intruder (2022)

Five siblings are brought back under the same roof after their father's passing, with a deadly intruder roaming their halls and no way out they are...

Bangarang (2021)

Bangarang (2021)

A Kenyan film inspired by true events that led to Baby Pendo's tragic loss. It follows a boda rider who is on the run for fear of being falsely...

Katika Bluu (2023)

Katika Bluu (2023)

Democratic Republic of Congo, 2022. Bravó, 16 years old, is exfiltrated from an armed group by the team of the Transit and Orientation Centre in...

Mila Tu. Becoming a Massaï woman without mutilation (2009)

Mila Tu. Becoming a Massaï woman without mutilation (2009)

Evokes the personal trajectory of a Tanzanian Massai woman refusing genital mutilation. Directed by two NGO volunteers from Luxemburg working on a...

Fight Like A Girl (2023)

Fight Like A Girl (2023)

A young Congolese woman, forced to work in an illegal mineral mine, escapes her captors. She finds a new life for herself after joining a renowned...

Mbambu and the Mountains of the Moon (2010)

Mbambu and the Mountains of the Moon (2010)

Mbambu is a sixteen-year-old girl who lives at the foot of the Rwenzori Mountains in Uganda. She is also an actress, an aspiring mountain guide and...