Uzbekistan Movies

The most popular movies from Uzbekistan which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Uzbekistan, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Voices (2024)

Voices (2024)

Nine construction workers from different cities in Uzbekistan come to the capital to live and work together away from their families. Their days are...

Sunday (2023)

Sunday (2023)

The film tells the story of an elderly couple living a peaceful life in a village, with their eldest son living nearby and their youngest son working...

Abdulladzhan, or Dedicated to Steven Spielberg (1992)

Abdulladzhan, or Dedicated to Steven Spielberg (1992)

Considering that Musakov’s Abdulladzhan (1991) was dedicated to Steven Spielberg, we might suggest that these four boys embody nothing more...

Scorpion (2018)

Scorpion (2018)

An agent of the Uzbek special services, Timur Saliev, is conducting an operation to seize the Scorpion terrorist group when he learns that his...

The Mischievous Boy (1978)

The Mischievous Boy (1978)

The Mischievous Boy — "Shum bola", a film on the eponymous story of Gafur Gulyam about the adventures of a little boy, whose restless character...

Panoh (2007)

Panoh (2007)

A wealthy man hires two bodyguards, one a former paratrooper (Qodirov) and the other just released from prison (Soipov), to protect his two...

Тайна пещеры Каниюта (1967)

Тайна пещеры Каниюта (1967)

Many centuries ago, the Queen of Gulmalik and its people fought off fierce attacks of the Mongols. I ended metal for arrowheads, and it went gold, a...

Grandma the General (1982)

Grandma the General (1982)

The film tells the story of Anzirat, an elderly woman who lives in a small village in Soviet Uzbekistan with her son, daughter-in-law, and their ten...

Convenience Store (2022)

Convenience Store (2022)

Mukhabbat, an Uzbek immigrant, works at a convenience store on the outskirts of Moscow. Just like the rest of the immigrants at the store, she is...

Phantoms of the Sea (2019)

Phantoms of the Sea (2019)

The sea vanished without any trace. Where the waves had once splashed, the bottom is cracked from the heat. Here, at the same depth, people stayed to...

Baron (2016)

Baron (2016)

One of the most pressing issues of our day - the fight against drugs based disorders and logical solution. Uzbek film between the peoples of the...

The Minaret of Death (1924)

The Minaret of Death (1924)

Based on an old Bukharan mythical tale from the 16th century.

Mahallada duv-duv gap (1960)

Mahallada duv-duv gap (1960)

The events in Mahallada duv-duv gap occur in a mahalla — a traditional Uzbek neighborhood — in an old part of Tashkent at a time when big-scale...

Bull's Heart (2023)

Bull's Heart (2023)

The story of a son who is secretly in love and a lonely, hard-working father. Each leads his own life – until one sultry summer day, their courses...

Takhir and Zukhra (1945)

Takhir and Zukhra (1945)

A Romeo & Juliet-esque tale set in Uzbekistan.

Shurochka (2024)

Shurochka (2024)

The elderly and successful former classmates, Muscovites Igor Breitman and Yevgeny Tikhomirov go to a remote Uzbek village for their ex-wife...

2000 Songs of Farida (2020)

2000 Songs of Farida (2020)

Kamil’s peaceful life with his three wives in the remote region of Turkestan is disrupted when the fourth wife arrives. Changes simultaneously rush...

Everything Was Covered with Snow (1995)

Everything Was Covered with Snow (1995)

A young huntsman Kamil comes to a distant backwater from Tashkent. He is settled in the place of his predecessor, in the house of Asal, a young...

Fortitude (2018)

Fortitude (2018)

1989. The former Captain of the Soviet Army Saidulla lives alone in a small house. His son lives in the same village but he does not associate with...



In the cities of Central Asia and Russia, the indomitable Fatima barrages , committing one crime after another . The Prosecutor's office investigator...