Vietnam Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from Vietnam page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Vietnam, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Talking Bird (1967)

The Talking Bird (1967)

A Vietnamese short anti-American propaganda animation.

Dành cho tháng Sáu (2012)

Dành cho tháng Sáu (2012)

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Gangsta Girls (2004)

Gangsta Girls (2004)

Two poor sisters (played by top list models My Duyen and Bang Lang), living in a slum area in Ho Chi Minh City, have found a malicious way to get...

Bride of Silence (2005)

Bride of Silence (2005)

A gorgeous young woman endures the wrath of her strict family and fellow villagers when she becomes pregnant out of wedlock and refuses to name the...

Milestones 23 (2011)

Milestones 23 (2011)

The film revolves around a young woman named Nha Trang with both beauty and success, she went to live in a rural outlying hoping to avoid the noise...

Triple Troubles (2015)

Triple Troubles (2015)

The city girls include : Royal American ( Kathy Uyen ) , Tuyet Dung ( Thuy Nga ) and Ngoc Vy ( Hoang Oanh ) bumped into each other while sitting...

The Town Within Reach (1983)

The Town Within Reach (1983)

At the close of the Sino-Vietnamese border war, a journalist travels to Lạng Sơn in northern Vietnam—the hometown of his former girlfriend—to...

A Time Far Past (2004)

A Time Far Past (2004)

Sai is forced to marry Tuyet at the age of ten and leaves his home by the river wharf to live with an old man named Kien. As the war against France...

Sandy Lives (1999)

Sandy Lives (1999)

For twenty years, Canh has lived in North Vietnam, unable to return to his home in the south where his wife is waiting for him. She is happy to...

Vĩnh Linh Steel Rampart (1971)

Vĩnh Linh Steel Rampart (1971)

The story of the resistance of the people of the Vinh Linh area of Vietnam which was heavily bombed by the United States during the Vietnamese War....

Mars in the Well (2014)

Mars in the Well (2014)

In 2053, Saigon, Vietnam is submerged in water. People have to move to the higher places for survival. The Vietnamese government has tried more than...

Living as One Should (1987)

Living as One Should (1987)

A Vietnamese documentary on human suffering and the meaning of kindness.

Devil's Mark (1992)

Devil's Mark (1992)

A fable about social prejudice, Devil’s Mark tells the story of a young girl who is accused of witchcraft and banished from society. The film was...

Don't Burn (2009)

Don't Burn (2009)

In the spring of 2005, a mother living in Hanoi receives a diary of her late daughter, a young doctor working at a field hospital during the war....

Land of Sorrows (1973)

Land of Sorrows (1973)

This foreign, English-subtitled film dramatizes the effect of the Vietnam War on a single South Vietnamese family, the inner conflict of decisions by...