fluxus movies page 2

List of movies by fluxus page 2 category, if you want to know about movies fluxus, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Zen for Film (1964)

Zen for Film (1964)
5.4 / 10

In an endless loop, unexposed film runs through the projector. The resulting projected image shows a surface illuminated by a bright light,...

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AFIJN (Misha Mengelberg) (2006)

AFIJN (Misha Mengelberg) (2006)
0 / 10

This feature-length documentary chronicles the life and playful methods of Dutch pianist and composer Misha Mengelberg, a significant figure in...

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Readymade (1966)

Readymade (1966)
5.8 / 10

Color test strip from developing tank.

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Regardez moi cela suffit (1962)

Regardez moi cela suffit (1962)
5 / 10

Sitting on a promenade in nice with a sign: Watch me, that’s all.

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5 O'Clock in the Morning (1966)

5 O'Clock in the Morning (1966)
4.5 / 10

A handful of rocks and chestnuts falling, filmed with high speed camera.

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Sears Catalogue 1-3 (1966)

Sears Catalogue 1-3 (1966)
6.5 / 10

Each film frame is a different image from the Sears Roebuck mail order catalogue. The film places pictures of the objects sold by Sears to the...

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Faire un effort (1969)

Faire un effort (1969)
4.3 / 10

Lifting and holding up a chest of drawers.

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Fluxfilm No. 36 (1970)

Fluxfilm No. 36 (1970)
5 / 10

Tips of feet walking at the edge of frame, all around the frame.

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Entrance to Exit (1965)

Entrance to Exit (1965)
4.3 / 10

Features entrance and exit door signs, fading through black and white.

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Sun in Your Head (1963)

Sun in Your Head (1963)
5.7 / 10

"Single Frame sequences of TV or film images, with periodic distortions of the image. The images are airplanes, women men interspersed with pictures...

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Fluxfilm No. 37 (1970)

Fluxfilm No. 37 (1970)
5 / 10

Face going out of focus by layering sheets of plastic between camera and subject.

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