sergei parajanov movies

List of movies by sergei parajanov category, if you want to know about movies sergei parajanov, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

The World Is a Window: Making The Colour of Pomegranates (2011)

The World Is a Window: Making The Colour of Pomegranates (2011)
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A documentary by writer and filmmaker Daniel Bird about the making of Sergei Parajanov's 'The Colour of Pomegranates'.

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Prison Art (1998)

Prison Art (1998)
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This documentary, which features Sergei Parajanov’s heartbreaking letters from prison, explores creativity among inmates and the art born in...

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Memories of «Sayat Nova» (2006)

Memories of «Sayat Nova» (2006)
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A short documentary by Levon Grigoryan about the making of Parajanov's «Sayat-Nova», or «The Colour of Pomegranates».

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MIGNOR (1990)

MIGNOR (1990)
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Showing Sergei Parajanov at the end of his life, the film depicts the suffering of a genius against the backdrop of general anxiety and carelessness.

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