audiovisual movies

List of movies by audiovisual category, if you want to know about movies audiovisual, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

BLUE (2015)

BLUE (2015)
10 / 10

BLUE is an audiovisual series by Swedish audiovisual project iamamiwhoami aka artist Jonna Lee, music producer Claes Björklund and directors...

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0 / 10

BARE BONES is an experimental short film written, directed and scored by DEBBY FRIDAY. Conceived during the Covid-19 lockdown and shot in Vancouver,...

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Be Here Soon (2022)

Be Here Soon (2022)
8.5 / 10

The fourth audiovisual installment in the iamamiwhoami project by Swedish singer-songwriter Jonna Lee and producer Claes Björklund.

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lasso the moon (1969)

lasso the moon (1969)
0 / 10

a sentimental audiovisual collage from december 2023

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