julio cortazar movies

List of movies by julio cortazar category, if you want to know about movies julio cortazar, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

El perseguidor (1965)

El perseguidor (1965)
5.7 / 10

The story of a saxophonist with delusions of persecution that is being destroyed little by little by means of alcohol, drugs and sex. A story by...

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Cortázar y Antín: cartas iluminadas (2018)

Cortázar y Antín: cartas iluminadas (2018)
9.1 / 10

In the 60s and thanks to the epistolary exchange, the young filmmaker Manuel Antín and the famous writer Julio Cortázar devised four films. An...

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