alpinist movies page 2

List of movies by alpinist page 2 category, if you want to know about movies alpinist, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Jim Bridwell, The Yosemite Living Legend (2005)

Jim Bridwell, The Yosemite Living Legend (2005)
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Jim Bridwell was one of the best climbers in the world in the 70s, 80s. The documentary chronicles Bridwell's career from those early days to his...

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Ueli Steck - Paraglides Between Mountains In The Swiss Alps (2013)

Ueli Steck - Paraglides Between Mountains In The Swiss Alps (2013)
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Famous for his fast solos on the harshest north faces of the Alps, Ueli Steck decided to learn a new sport: paragliding! Not always easy learning,...

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Brette, A Year On The Road (2016)

Brette, A Year On The Road (2016)
10 / 10

Brette Harrington, 24, is a rising talent in the climbing world. From overhead free ascents to long alpine solos, she excels in all disciplines of...

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Eye To Eye With Everest (2012)

Eye To Eye With Everest (2012)
10 / 10

Two young cameramen are asked to film a Mount Everest expedition by German mountaineer Thomas Weber; a man wishing to climb Everest, in spite of his...

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