strindberg movies

List of movies by strindberg category, if you want to know about movies strindberg, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

The Ghost Sonata (1972)

The Ghost Sonata (1972)
9 / 10

The Ghost Sonata relates the adventures of a young student, who idealizes the lives of the inhabitants of a stylish apartment building in Stockholm....

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The Golden Shower (1919)

The Golden Shower (1919)
0 / 10

A rich libertine leaves all his money to a college girl who had refused his advances. The ensuing scandal makes her retire to a small town, where she...

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The Death Dance (1918)

The Death Dance (1918)
1 / 10

Arnold Maitland is devastated when he finds out that his wife Cynthia is having an affair with a man named Boresky. He falls in love with Flora...

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