faculdade de artes do parana movies

List of movies by faculdade de artes do parana category, if you want to know about movies faculdade de artes do parana, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Cadence (2019)

Cadence (2019)
0 / 10

Monica, after a restless night, meets a strange man, in a place she does not recognize. He questions her about past events that she doesn't quite...

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X-Tudo (2018)

X-Tudo (2018)
5 / 10

Two men talk with each other while they eat a sandwich. One of them doesn't give the desired attention to the other guy. That would be the synopsis...

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Zero Degrees' Cave (2019)

Zero Degrees' Cave (2019)
10 / 10

In a peaceful world, 5 teenagers are transported to a parallel and magical world where they're going to fight against the Avenger and theirselves....

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Summer Rain (2019)

Summer Rain (2019)
0 / 10

It's Sérgios's birthday. His friends, the guests, the music, all the party are calling him to celebrate. However, Sérgio doesn't seem to be so...

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Te Sufoco, Me Asfixio (2019)

Te Sufoco, Me Asfixio (2019)
0 / 10

How do we get along with the things we take with us? "Te Sufoco, Me Asfixio" is an experimental videodance which purposes a reflection about what do...

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