nezahualcoyotl movies

List of movies by nezahualcoyotl category, if you want to know about movies nezahualcoyotl, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Whoever is Responsible (1971)

Whoever is Responsible (1971)
5.5 / 10

Documentary about the founding of Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl on the outskirts of Mexico City in the sixties.

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Nobody is Innocent (1986)

Nobody is Innocent (1986)
8.5 / 10

"Kara", in an attempt to extinguish the fire that burns him and to flee from drugs and his own frustration, sets out on a train journey. On his trip...

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In Fact, There is not Future (1988)

In Fact, There is not Future (1988)
7 / 10

Documentary about young people who are dedicated to cleaning windshields in Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl to survive.

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Nobody Is Innocent: Twenty years later (2010)

Nobody Is Innocent: Twenty years later (2010)
9 / 10

In 1987, the film director and video artist Sarah Minter, made the documentary exercise Nobody is Innocent, a film that portrayed the daily life of...

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