ufologia movies

List of movies by ufologia category, if you want to know about movies ufologia, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

UFO's Are Real (1979)

UFO's Are Real (1979)
7 / 10

One of several 1970s documentaries on the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFO), supporting the view that Earth is visited regularly by...

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Alien Chronicles: Interdimensional UFOs (2022)

Alien Chronicles: Interdimensional UFOs (2022)
0 / 10

Throughout the world there are numerous ancient sites that are considered to be Stargates, Portals or Doorways to other realities. Stories of people...

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Of the Observatory I Saw (2020)

Of the Observatory I Saw (2020)
7.8 / 10

Nigim is an ufologist from the city of Passa Tempo in MG who recorded numerous appearances of et’s from the Planet of Jov. But now, it seems like...

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