psa movies page 4

List of movies by psa page 4 category, if you want to know about movies psa, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

How to Drive on Snow and Ice (1957)

How to Drive on Snow and Ice (1957)
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Sponsored by Seiberling Rubber Company, this public service film demonstrates the important points of winter driving. Shows how to start on slippery...

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Your Friend, the Doctor (1950)

Your Friend, the Doctor (1950)
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Explains the functions of the doctor and tells why it is important to co-operate with him.

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Check Fraud: Paper and Persuasion (1980)

Check Fraud: Paper and Persuasion (1980)
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Presents a check-passer describing the tricks of his trade. Explains how a conscientious check-out clerk can easily trip him up.

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Mr. Busboy: Bus Boy Training (1966)

Mr. Busboy: Bus Boy Training (1966)
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This film highlights the crucial role of a busboy in the restaurant service team, emphasizing the importance of teamwork, neatness, and efficiency....

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Safety After School (1966)

Safety After School (1966)
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Shows the safety hazards three boys encounter when they leave school. Pictures how they learn proper safety procedures to cope with several...

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Light Is What You Make It (1945)

Light Is What You Make It (1945)
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Non-theatrical Industrial short Produced for National Better Light Better Sight Bureau

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Health for the Americas: Hookworm (1945)

Health for the Americas: Hookworm (1945)
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Non-theatrical government - war short Produced for Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs

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