geometric shapes movies page 2

List of movies by geometric shapes page 2 category, if you want to know about movies geometric shapes, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Keep on Turning (1972)

Keep on Turning (1972)
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In Wiertz and Verbeek's kinetic, kaleidoscopic opus Keep on Turning (1974, 3 min, 16mm, sound) cubes convey, rotate and shift in tandem.

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Calculated Movements (1985)

Calculated Movements (1985)
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Cuba programmed solid areas and volumes instead of the vector dots of the previous two films. It also in four "colors": black, white, light grey and...

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Device (1996)

Device (1996)
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Video (color, sound) | Media and Performance

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Knotte Grosse Loops (1969)

Knotte Grosse Loops (1969)
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These are work-in-progress elements of some commercial projects and a film to be titled, Knotte Grosse. Beckett received an AFI Independent...

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