sexton blake movies page 2

List of movies by sexton blake page 2 category, if you want to know about movies sexton blake, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Sexton Pimple (1915)

Sexton Pimple (1915)
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A detective takes over a train to save the King of Cork from spies.

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The Would-Be Detectives (1913)

The Would-Be Detectives (1913)
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'Bexton Blake' searches for a kidnapped baby.

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The Stolen Heirlooms (1915)

The Stolen Heirlooms (1915)
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A detective is drugged with flowers and tied to a sawmill while saving an ex-gambler from a jewel theft charge.

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The Kaiser's Spies (1914)

The Kaiser's Spies (1914)
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An entomologist runs a spy ring of bus drivers from a tower in Epping Forest.

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Lady Candale's Diamonds (1910)

Lady Candale's Diamonds (1910)
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Jewel thieves steal a Lady's car and are trailed by a detective.

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The Council of Three (1909)

The Council of Three (1909)
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'Sexton Blake' poses as a gang's messenger to save a kidnapped girl.

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