taiyupian movies

List of movies by taiyupian category, if you want to know about movies taiyupian, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

The Fantasy of Deer Warrior (1961)

The Fantasy of Deer Warrior (1961)
5.8 / 10

The happy lives of animals in the forest are stirred by the sudden attack of a pack of wolves. Uncle Deer comes to the rescue, and asks Birdy to...

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Back to Anping Harbor (1972)

Back to Anping Harbor (1972)
0 / 10

This romantic family melodrama reworks the Madame Butterfly story in Anping, the port attached to Tainan city in southern Taiwan. Xiuqin falls for a...

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Vengeance of the Phoenix Sisters (1968)

Vengeance of the Phoenix Sisters (1968)
6 / 10

In the prelude to this martial arts film, bandits kill a former sheriff and his wife. A servant carries their three little daughters to safety, but...

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Early Train From Taipei (1964)

Early Train From Taipei (1964)
0 / 10

Made as Taiwan’s economy took off in the 1960s, Early Train from Taipei is a classic country-to-city melodrama of development. To save her bankrupt...

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