drama movies page 27

List of movies by drama page 27 category, if you want to know about movies drama, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

So Nice to Love You (2013)

So Nice to Love You (2013)
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So Nice To Love You is a short film of six stories from six individuals with interlocking lives, capturing one significant moment remembered from...

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Who Corrupts Therein (2023)

Who Corrupts Therein (2023)
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The presence of corruptors is necessary. Every person has lusts. Just as Adam ate from the forbidden tree, and Cain killed Abel, their descendants...

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Just My Luck (2023)

Just My Luck (2023)
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Rob West is a down on his luck ex-con who is trying to change his ways for the better. But when he gambles away twenty grand, he must try to escape...

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Through The Cracks (1969)

Through The Cracks (1969)
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A man avoids a ghostly apparition that follows him throughout his life.

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O Concerto de Ontem (2023)

O Concerto de Ontem (2023)
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Protagonist is faced with an internalized feeling that emerges in a moment in memory

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Wedding in the Rearguard (2021)

Wedding in the Rearguard (2021)
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On the wedding day of the only son of the family, news arrives of the outbreak of war in Artsakh. All the horrors of the war are brought to life...

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A Helping Hand (2023)

A Helping Hand (2023)
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An anxious teen hopes to scam some money from her estranged father, but their imperfect relationship reaches a breaking point when he arrives but...

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Alright (2021)

Alright (2021)
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Two friends meet-up after social restrictions are eased.

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The Track Movie (2021)

The Track Movie (2021)
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A team of misfit runners from New Jersey share fast and fun times as they navigate through their pandemic season, chasing the elusive sectional title.

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Perfect Crime (2015)

Perfect Crime (2015)
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A fast-paced thriller that follows the bloody trail of two criminals who find love while on the run from a dangerous kingpin.

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The Lock (1969)

The Lock (1969)
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A young man tries to rid himself of his past by throwing away a key that always seems to come back to him.

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The Son of Man (2023)

The Son of Man (2023)
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A brief overlook on the life of certain men.

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Abandoned and Alone (2021)

Abandoned and Alone (2021)
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Oupa en Ouma try to survive during harsh conditions on a farm. With no one around to help. they rely on nothing but their faith.

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For All That Was Lost (2023)

For All That Was Lost (2023)
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For All That Was Lost follows two brothers and their wives separated by war; examining the power of human connection, love and healing.

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You're It (2020)

You're It (2020)
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Following the funeral of a young man, his two best friends meet-up and decide to revisit the park that the three spent their younger years;...

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