misophonia movies

List of movies by misophonia category, if you want to know about movies misophonia, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

White Noise (2023)

White Noise (2023)
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White Noise follows Ava, who suffers from misophonia - an extreme hyper-sensitivity to sound. When this reaches new terrifying heights, her doctor...

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Misophonia (2022)

Misophonia (2022)
0 / 10

A quiet bus ride home from the city library turns into an aural nightmare for a book-reading commuter. With every stop the bus fills with people and...

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The Chewing (1969)

The Chewing (1969)
0 / 10

Dylan, a girl who can't stand the sound of chewing navigates a world of messy eaters until she is pushed over the edge.

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