1985 Movies Page 50

The most popular movies 1985 page 50 which is currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies 1985, you can do it here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Tinik sa Dibdib (1985)

Tinik sa Dibdib (1985)

Lando is married to Lorna. He took on the huge responsibility of taking care of his widowed aunt Trixia and her two children, the youngest being a...

Memory of the Camps (1985)

Memory of the Camps (1985)

In 1945, Allied troops invaded Germany and liberated Nazi death camps. They found unspeakable horrors which still haunt the world’s conscience. A...

The Last Assault (1985)

The Last Assault (1985)

The film tells about the period when Romania joined the Allies against the Axis in WW2.

White City (1985)

White City (1985)

A film based on Townshend's album "White City: A Novel". The story is based on the area where Townshend was raised. The drama is directed by Richard...

Time and the Conways (1985)

Time and the Conways (1985)

1919: the World War is over. Kay Conway celebrates her 21st birthday and all the family look forward with hope and confidence. Then Time begins to...

Andy Williams and the NBC Kids Search for Santa (1985)

Andy Williams and the NBC Kids Search for Santa (1985)

Andy and the NBC kids search for Santa, starring from Finland.

Nicholas Nickleby (1985)

Nicholas Nickleby (1985)

One twenty-year old boy, driven by what is right and just, overcomes the forces of unconscionable greed. This classic tale of human nature is brought...

Popcorn e patatine (1985)

Popcorn e patatine (1985)

In love with the beautiful Anna, Nino follows her on vacation to Taormina and, to impress her, pretends to stay in a luxurious hotel. The...

Japanil Kalyanaraman (1985)

Japanil Kalyanaraman (1985)

Raman, a journalist who plans to expose Narendra's smuggling racket, is attacked but manages to survive. He then travels to Japan to buy printing...

Danger Has Two Faces (1985)

Danger Has Two Faces (1985)

Martial art film standout Liang Chia-jen brings the same animalistic intensity from his early heroic bloodshed films to his Danger Has Two Faces...

Blade in Hong Kong (1985)

Blade in Hong Kong (1985)

Joe Blade is an unclaimed TV pilot film. An American, Blade works in Hong Kong, the home of his adoptive father Chang Chin-tzu. When Chang Chin-tzu...

Ōgazumu Mariko (1985)

Ōgazumu Mariko (1985)

Under a full moon near a highway bridge a woman has sex with her boyfriend during her period. Unfortunately the boyfriend is accidentally killed by a...

B.B. King: Into the Night (1985)

B.B. King: Into the Night (1985)

A short documentary about B.B. King and his time working on the score for the 1985 movie "Into the Night" starring Jeff Goldblum and Michelle...

The Cap (1985)

The Cap (1985)

A baseball crazed 12 year old gets, and loses, a prized cap. A father struggles for dignity in his son's eyes. Based on Morley Callaghan's short...

Hombo (1985)

Hombo (1985)

Coming from a Royan bourgeois background, Philippe and Bertrand are linked by a virile but exclusive affection. One day, Philippe disappears....

No More God, No More Love (1985)

No More God, No More Love (1985)

Released after seven years in prison, an inveterate thug goes from strength to ruthless strength as he makes his way through a succession of dubious...

Tea in the Harem (1985)

Tea in the Harem (1985)

The story of two youths – one Algerian, one French – who become juvenile delinquents in a Paris suburb.

Grandma's Last Wish (1985)

Grandma's Last Wish (1985)

Given one last wish to enliven her days before she is moved into the Tranquil Gardens retirement home, elderly Grandma sees to it that her...

Más allá del silencio (1985)

Más allá del silencio (1985)

Fidel, a deaf mugger, sees the possibility of a new life after he start attending to a school for the deaf. However his chances are getting shorter...

Divine Waters (1985)

Divine Waters (1985)

This documentary focuses on the careers of influential partners in trash film, John Waters and Divine. The film includes interviews with Waters'...