1986 Movies Page 50

The most popular movies 1986 page 50 which is currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies 1986, you can do it here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Smart Money (1986)

Smart Money (1986)

Leon, a hacker convicted for a crime he did not commit, escapes from detention centre following the death of his father, to take revenge on the man...

Golden Ninja Warrior (1986)

Golden Ninja Warrior (1986)

A rivalry between the Golden Ninja Warriors and the Red Ninja Warriors. The Red Ninja Warriors want a Golden Ninja Statue that the Golden Ninjas...

Love Me! (1986)

Love Me! (1986)

Sussie is 15, raised with her alcoholic mother and an absent father. She has lived in several foster homes. Now she gets one last chance with a new...

Intimate Strangers (1986)

Intimate Strangers (1986)

A Vietnam War nurse, who was captured by the enemy and held prisoner of war for many years, escapes her captors and finds her way back to America....

Letters to an Unknown Lover (1986)

Letters to an Unknown Lover (1986)

During World War II, two allied soldiers escape from a Nazi POW camp to Lyons, where they accept the hospitality of mademoiselle Helene.

Los Abandonados – Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1986)

Los Abandonados – Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1986)

Based on the true story of boys from Brazilian jails taken to the state border and abandoned without food or clothing to relieve overcrowding in...

Miles to Go… (1986)

Miles to Go… (1986)

After discovering that her cancer has returned, Moira Browning launches a quiet campaign to find a potential replacement for herself in her family's...

Secrets of Madame Wong (1986)

Secrets of Madame Wong (1986)

Police commissioner is fighting a criminal group leaded by mysterious Madame Vong while looking for a treasure hidden by pirates hundreds of years...

Manuel and Clemente (1986)

Manuel and Clemente (1986)

Manuel and Clemente, couple in the shower and in various scheming, try to do business with miraculous apparitions. Near the Sevillian town of El...

Female Doctor: Flesh Slave (1986)

Female Doctor: Flesh Slave (1986)

A female doctor tries to prove her innocence when an erotic tape is shown to her fiancé.

The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years (1986)

The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years (1986)

For the first time in their careers, all the Muppets (except the ones that couldn't make it, like the Doozers, Gorgs and most of the Fraggles) have...

Popples (1986)

Popples (1986)

Bonnie and Billy have to rescue the Popples when their parents accidentally send them to Goodwill following a surprise remodel of the family's attic.

Cuban Breeze (1986)

Cuban Breeze (1986)

Irishman Vincent Coke is facing execution on the electric chair after a lifetime of adventures, including smuggling rich Cubans from Cuba to the USA....

Rosa la Rose, Public Girl (1986)

Rosa la Rose, Public Girl (1986)

Rosa la Rose is the most beautiful prostitute of Les Halles. Every client wants her and she accepts everything. Her pimp is a sympathetic and...

Die Fledermaus (1986)

Die Fledermaus (1986)

Performances from Pamela Coburn, Brigitte Fassbaender, Janet Perry, Eberhard Wachter, the Choir und Ballet der Bayerischen Staatsoper, and the...

Chameli Ki Shaadi (1986)

Chameli Ki Shaadi (1986)

Charandas, a young man in a village has no aim in life except to be a pehelwaan (wrestler). He takes an oath that he will not court or marry a girl...

Satanic Invocation (1986)

Satanic Invocation (1986)

An extremely rare shot-on-video horror film that involves a Ouija board and a demon.

Occupational Killer (1986)

Occupational Killer (1986)

The kidnapping and murder of an innocent child leads agents Julián Carrera "Valentín Trujillo" and Roberto Rojas to investigate an organization led...

Jem (1986)

Jem (1986)

With the help of her father's greatest creation, a holographic computer named Synergy, Jerrica Benton and her sisters team up to create the band Jem...