1989 Movies Page 45

The most popular movies 1989 page 45 which is currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies 1989, you can do it here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Reincarnation of Golden Lotus (1989)

The Reincarnation of Golden Lotus (1989)

A woman is cursed with beauty in China and becomes prey for men. Raped by the prefect of her ballet school and sent to work camp, she escapes to...

Monkeys (1989)

Monkeys (1989)

The story of John DeLorean's life, involvement in drug trafficking and eventual arrest. Based on the book 'The DeLorean Tapes' by Ivan Fallon.

Dear Life (1989)

Dear Life (1989)

A homage to Krišjānis Barons and his life's work – to collect and catalogue Latvian folksongs or dainas,thus creating the encyclopaedia of...

Giordano (1989)

Giordano (1989)

The protagonist of this satirical short is a photographer whose camera captures photos of people's true nature. We often have to ask ourselves...

Dirty Games (1989)

Dirty Games (1989)

The beautiful daughter of a murdered scientist determines to apprehend her father's brutal killer at a nuclear waste site they're both inspecting as...

Physical Evidence (1989)

Physical Evidence (1989)

A police officer suspended and now accused of murder is forced to join forces with his court-appointed attorney to assemble the pieces of a deadly...

Open Window (1989)

Open Window (1989)

It pits the hero against floods, fire, a gun-wielding neighbour and a spectacular fall all because a banging window in a nearby flat keeps him awake...

Unmasked Part 25 (1989)

Unmasked Part 25 (1989)

Jackson is a lonely serial killer who is really beginning to question the point of all his killing. He is losing focus on why he started to kill in...

When He's Not a Stranger (1989)

When He's Not a Stranger (1989)

At a California university, Lyn goes to meet her best friend Melanie in the dorm room of Melanie's boyfriend Ron, a football star. When Lyn arrives,...

Highest Jump (1989)

Highest Jump (1989)

A family movie about Albin and Stig who are always competing against each other.

Pedicab Driver (1989)

Pedicab Driver (1989)

Lo Tung and his friend Malted Candy, pedicab drivers working the streets of Macao, have both fallen in love. The problem is that both their objects...

The Rookies (1989)

The Rookies (1989)

A plucky seventeen-year-old wants to be a professional hockey player and eventually lands a spot on the Canadian national team.

Chinese Whispers (1989)

Chinese Whispers (1989)

Kenny's work as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital isn't just a job, it's a vocation. His special group of patients are his friends - his only...

Meat Love (1989)

Meat Love (1989)

The story takes place entirely on a kitchen counter and sees two slices of raw meat as protagonists. The first slice is courted by the second and...

Perfect Image? (1989)

Perfect Image? (1989)

Two actresses take us through a series of 'raps' and sketches about what it means to be beautiful and black.

Gran sol (1989)

Gran sol (1989)

A group of fishermen embark on a new adventure to capture the best pieces on the high seas. They leave from the port of Ondárroa, Vizcaya, to depart...

Venus Wars (1989)

Venus Wars (1989)

The new frontier of Venus has degenerated into a dystopia ravaged by the civil war between Ishtar and Aphrodia. Bubbly reporter Susan Sommers arrives...

Babcock Transformers (1989)

Babcock Transformers (1989)

a short documentary filmed by Keith Barnfather in 1989 about Babcock Transformers.