1991 Movies

The most popular movies 1991 which is currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies 1991, you can do it here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Golden Lotus: Love and Desire (1991)

The Golden Lotus: Love and Desire (1991)

A corrupt local official, Xi Men Qing, who lusts after women and money, pursues his brother's young wife, Lee Ping Er. Ping finds Men attractive, and...

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Set ten years after the events of the original, James Cameron’s classic sci-fi action flick tells the story of a second attempt to get the rid of...

Liao Zhai - Home for the Intimate Ghosts (1991)

Liao Zhai - Home for the Intimate Ghosts (1991)

Very seldom shown erotic story of a cuckolded husband who departs his home and unwittingly becomes included with not one, but two, alluring ghosts....

Point Break (1991)

Point Break (1991)

In Los Angeles, a gang of bank robbers who call themselves The Ex-Presidents commit their crimes while wearing masks of Reagan, Carter, Nixon and...

Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Follow the adventures of Belle, a bright young woman who finds herself in the castle of a prince who's been turned into a mysterious beast. With the...

My Girl (1991)

My Girl (1991)

Vada Sultenfuss is obsessed with death. Her mother is dead, and her father runs a funeral parlor. She is also in love with her English teacher, and...

Paprika (1991)

Paprika (1991)

A young country girl comes to town and works in a brothel in order to help her fiance get the money to start his own business. "Paprika" is the name...

The Raffle (1991)

The Raffle (1991)

Struggling with a financial crisis, a good-looking widow decides to put herself up for grabs. However, going through with it becomes almost...

Hook (1991)

Hook (1991)

The boy who wasn't supposed to grow up—Peter Pan—does just that, becoming a soulless corporate lawyer whose workaholism could cost him his wife...

Boyz n the Hood (1991)

Boyz n the Hood (1991)

Boyz n the Hood is the popular and successful film and social criticism from John Singleton about the conditions in South Central Los Angeles where...

Child's Play 3 (1991)

Child's Play 3 (1991)

Eight years after seemingly destroying the killer doll, teen Andy Barclay is placed in a military school, and the spirit of Chucky returns to renew...

Zandalee (1991)

Zandalee (1991)

Bored with her marriage to burnt out poet turned corporate executive Thierry, Zandalee falls prey to an old friend of her husband, the manipulative...

Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (1991)

Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (1991)

After defeating Frieza, Goku returns to Earth and goes on a camping trip with Gohan and Krillin. Everything is normal until Cooler - Frieza's brother...

The Addams Family (1991)

The Addams Family (1991)

When a man claiming to be long-lost Uncle Fester reappears after 25 years lost, the family plans a celebration to wake the dead. But the kids barely...

Hot Shots! (1991)

Hot Shots! (1991)

The gang that created Airplane and The Naked Gun sets its sights on Top Gun in this often hilarious spoof starring Charlie Sheen, who previously only...

Thelma & Louise (1991)

Thelma & Louise (1991)

Whilst on a short weekend getaway, Louise shoots a man who had tried to rape Thelma. Due to the incriminating circumstances, they make a run for it...

JFK (1991)

JFK (1991)

Follows the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy led by New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison.

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)

When the dastardly Sheriff of Nottingham murders Robin's father, the legendary archer vows vengeance. To accomplish his mission, Robin joins forces...

Cape Fear (1991)

Cape Fear (1991)

Sam Bowden is a small-town corporate attorney. Max Cady is a tattooed, cigar-smoking, Bible-quoting, psychotic rapist. What do they have in common?...

Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (1991)

Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (1991)

A Super Namekian named Slug comes to invade Earth. But the Z Warriors do their best to stop Slug and his gang.