1992 Movies

The most popular movies 1992 which is currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies 1992, you can do it here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Aladdin (1992)

Aladdin (1992)

Princess Jasmine grows tired of being forced to remain in the palace, so she sneaks out into the marketplace, in disguise, where she meets street...

Porco Rosso (1992)

Porco Rosso (1992)

In Italy in the 1930s, sky pirates in biplanes terrorize wealthy cruise ships as they sail the Adriatic Sea. The only pilot brave enough to stop the...

Batman Returns (1992)

Batman Returns (1992)

While Batman deals with a deformed man calling himself the Penguin, an employee of a corrupt businessman transforms into the Catwoman.

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

A botched robbery indicates a police informant, and the pressure mounts in the aftermath at a warehouse. Crime begets violence as the survivors --...

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)

Instead of flying to Florida with his folks, Kevin ends up alone in New York, where he gets a hotel room with his dad's credit card—despite...

Sneakers (1992)

Sneakers (1992)

When shadowy U.S. intelligence agents blackmail a reformed computer hacker and his eccentric team of security experts into stealing a code-breaking...

Basic Instinct (1992)

Basic Instinct (1992)

Catherine, a novelist with an insatiable sexual appetite, becomes a prime suspect when her boyfriend is brutally murdered -- a crime she had...

Unforgiven (1992)

Unforgiven (1992)

William Munny is a retired, once-ruthless killer turned gentle widower and hog farmer. To help support his two motherless children, he accepts one...

Alien³ (1992)

Alien³ (1992)

After escaping with Newt and Hicks from the alien planet, Ripley crash lands on Fiorina 161, a prison planet and host to a correctional facility....

A Few Good Men (1992)

A Few Good Men (1992)

When cocky military lawyer Lt. Daniel Kaffee and his co-counsel, Lt. Cmdr. JoAnne Galloway, are assigned to a murder case, they uncover a hazing...

Pet Sematary II (1992)

Pet Sematary II (1992)

The "sematary" is up to its old zombie-raising tricks again. This time, the protagonists are Jeff Matthews, whose mother died in a Hollywood stage...

Boomerang (1992)

Boomerang (1992)

Marcus is a successful advertising executive who woos and beds women almost at will. After a company merger he finds that his new boss, the ravishing...

The Lover (1992)

The Lover (1992)

A poor French teenage girl engages in an illicit affair with a wealthy Chinese heir in 1920s Saigon. For the first time in her young life she has...

Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)

Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)

In the 19th century, Dracula travels to London and meets Mina, a young woman who appears as the reincarnation of his lost love.

Sleepwalkers (1992)

Sleepwalkers (1992)

Charles Brady and his mother, Mary, are the last of a dying breed whose needs are not of this world. They are Sleepwalkers - able to stay alive only...

Candyman (1992)

Candyman (1992)

The Candyman, a murderous soul with a hook for a hand, is accidentally summoned to reality by a skeptic grad student researching the monster's myth.

Beethoven (1992)

Beethoven (1992)

The Newton family live in their comfortable home, but there seems to something missing. This "hole" is filled by a small puppy, who walks into their...

Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler (1992)

Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler (1992)

Cooler has resurrected himself as a robot and is enslaving the people of New Namek. Goku and the gang must help.

Howards End (1992)

Howards End (1992)

A saga of class relations and changing times in an Edwardian England on the brink of modernity, the film centers on liberal Margaret Schlegel, who,...

Bitter Moon (1992)

Bitter Moon (1992)

A passenger on a cruise ship develops an irresistible infatuation with an eccentric paraplegic's wife.