2019 Movies Page 43

The most popular movies 2019 page 43 which is currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies 2019, you can do it here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Werewolf (2019)

Werewolf (2019)

Summer of 1945. A temporary orphanage is established in an abandoned palace surrounded by forests for the eight children liberated from the...

I Lost My Body (2019)

I Lost My Body (2019)

A story of Naoufel, a young man who is in love with Gabrielle. In another part of town, a severed hand escapes from a dissection lab, determined to...

Back Roads (2019)

Back Roads (2019)

A young man cares for his younger sisters after their mother is imprisoned for murdering their abusive father. When he strikes up an affair with a...

Shanghai Fortress (2019)

Shanghai Fortress (2019)

Set in the future, the city of Shanghai battle to defend itself against an ongoing attack by an alien force that has attacked and laid siege to...

Misty Button (2019)

Misty Button (2019)

James, who has just burned his last bridge and now lacks both a job and a wife, teams up with friend Eoin on a for-hire mission to the racetrack on...

White Lie (2019)

White Lie (2019)

Katie Arneson is faking cancer. A university dance major, Katie's falsified diagnosis and counterfeit fundraising have transformed her into a campus...

Beats (2019)

Beats (2019)

Summer 1994, Scotland. Johnno and Spanner are best mates, but Johnno’s family are moving him to a new town and a better life, leaving Spanner...

Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé (2019)

Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé (2019)

This intimate, in-depth look at Beyoncé's celebrated 2018 Coachella performance reveals the emotional road from creative concept to cultural...

The Body (2019)

The Body (2019)

When the body of a powerful businesswoman goes missing from the morgue, the inspector-in-charge hunts for the truth. When he questions her husband he...

The Divine Fury (2019)

The Divine Fury (2019)

After waking up with mysterious wounds on his hands, a champion fighter finds himself in an otherworldly battle against evil forces that wreak havoc...

About Endlessness (2019)

About Endlessness (2019)

A reflection on human life in all its beauty and cruelty, its splendor and banality, guided by a Scheherazade-esque narrator. Inconsequential moments...

Skyfire (2019)

Skyfire (2019)

Tianhuo Island is as beautiful as a paradise. It almost makes people forget that it is located in the "Ring of Fire" the world-famous Pacific Rim...

Truth and Justice (2019)

Truth and Justice (2019)

Estonia, 1872. The uncompromising new owner of Robber's Rise must battle with hard work, his spiteful neighbor and with his own family and beliefs to...

Ip Man and Four Kings (2019)

Ip Man and Four Kings (2019)

In 1950, a large number of martial artists entered Hong Kong to open a boxing gym. Among them, Ye Wen (Tang Wenlong) did not lose a reputation,...

The Wedding Guest (2019)

The Wedding Guest (2019)

Jay is a man with a secret who travels from Britain to Pakistan to attend a wedding—armed with duct tape, a shotgun, and a plan to kidnap the...

Dark Angel (2019)

Dark Angel (2019)

Based on the second book in the Casteel Series, Heaven has finally found the new life she always dreamed of with her newly discovered grandparents....

Lara (2019)

Lara (2019)

It's Lara's 60th birthday, and she has every reason to celebrate: this evening, her son Viktor will be giving the most important piano concert of his...

Cutterhead (2019)

Cutterhead (2019)

Rie is a PR-coordinator visiting a tunnel boring machine to portray the well-oiled European cooperation in the Metro construction when an accident...

Spiral (2019)

Spiral (2019)

A same-sex couple move to a small town so they can enjoy a better quality of life and raise their 16 year-old daughter with the best social values....

While at War (2019)

While at War (2019)

Salamanca, Spain, 1936. In the early days of the military rebellion that began the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), writer Miguel de Unamuno supports the...