United Arab Emirates Movies Page 4

The most popular movies from United Arab Emirates page 4 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from United Arab Emirates, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Man Who Sold His Skin (2021)

The Man Who Sold His Skin (2021)

To be able to travel to Europe and find the love of his life, Sam Ali, a Syrian refugee, accepts to have his back tattooed by one of the most...

Head to Head (2023)

Head to Head (2023)

Hilarity meets danger when a lovesick chauffeur and a bootleg mechanic mistakenly pick up a retired crime lord, igniting a wild, life-changing...

The Worthy (2016)

The Worthy (2016)

A visually spectacular dystopian take on an Arab world torn apart by social disorder.

Bittersweet (2010)

Bittersweet (2010)

Masry el Araby is an American-Egyptian citizen who travels back to his home town (in Egypt) after living in the US for 20 years. He has this idea of...

The School of Mischief (1973)

The School of Mischief (1973)

This play takes place in a school that consists of five rebellious students grouped together in one class, who have failed, for over a decade, to...

Pharaoh's War (2019)

Pharaoh's War (2019)

Yehia, known as Pharaoh, reassembles a group of six of his old friends, each with a unique combating skill, to travel to Syria under the pretense of...

El Talata Yeshtghalonha (2010)

El Talata Yeshtghalonha (2010)

The events revolve around the conflict between the girl and three men at one time, resulting in a lot of comedy, dealing with the phenomenon of new...

Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces (1990)

Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces (1990)

Twelve-year-old Noura dangles uncertainly in that difficult netherworld between childhood and adulthood. His growing libido has gotten him banned...

Escaping Tel Aviv (2009)

Escaping Tel Aviv (2009)

Salwa is living her worst nightmare when she wakes up to find herself in Israel, kidnapped by her husband whom she later learns is a Mossad officer....

Control Room (2004)

Control Room (2004)

A chronicle which provides a rare window into the international perception of the Iraq War, courtesy of Al Jazeera, the Arab world's most popular...

The Idol (2016)

The Idol (2016)

Mohammed Assaf, an aspiring musician living in Gaza, sets a seemingly impossible goal: to compete on the program "Arab Idol."

We appreciate your circumstances (2024)

We appreciate your circumstances (2024)

In a context of comedy and romance, Hassan and Malak live in a poor neighborhood whose people feed on chicken legs and skeletons. The film deals with...

Tarek's Situation (2006)

Tarek's Situation (2006)

Tarek is a young man who is working at a telecommunications company,and he fell in love with a girl when he heard her voice in a radio talk show. A...

Dark Waters (1956)

Dark Waters (1956)

Ragab, a poor sailor, returns home to Alexandria after three years of absence, during which he tried to save money to marry his one true love,...

The White Helmets (2016)

The White Helmets (2016)

As daily airstrikes pound civilian targets in Syria, a group of indomitable first responders risk their lives to rescue victims from the rubble.

Scarecrow (2019)

Scarecrow (2019)

The story revolves around a grandfather who stole a rare masterpiece belonging to the late singer (Umm Kulthum) in his youth, but after years passes,...

Kira & El Gen (2022)

Kira & El Gen (2022)

The movie focuses on the fury state that was among the people in synchronization with the main event in Egypt: The 1919 Egyptian Revolution which...

The Spider (2022)

The Spider (2022)

A dangerous drug dealer, who manages to manufacture new drugs, sells them, and falls into many problems and chases by the police.

In Syria (2017)

In Syria (2017)

A mother attempts to keep her family safe as war rages and a sniper lies in wait outside her home.

I Still Hide to Smoke (2017)

I Still Hide to Smoke (2017)

Α tragi-comedy about 9 women of different ages and various backgrounds that gather in an Algerian hammam to talk about their lives.

Million Dollar Listing UAE

Million Dollar Listing UAE

MDL UAE follows the lives and careers of 5 top brokers as they compete at the cut-throat luxury real estate market in the UAE. The first...



Their journey of discovery takes them far away from their modern-day neighbourhood to a magical world. Here, they embark on adventures where culture...

Scattered Barriers

Scattered Barriers

When his city goes into lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic, taxi driver Naser struggles to accept his new reality.

Hadak Madak

Hadak Madak

The two friends, Hadak and Madak, live in a remote traditional village. As one of them gets the other in trouble, they try to find a way out before...

Confessions of a Fashionista

Confessions of a Fashionista

A secret from the past threatens to ruin the lives of two mega-successful fashion influencers in Dubai. They quickly realize that they must take...