United Arab Emirates Movies Page 45

The most popular movies from United Arab Emirates page 45 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from United Arab Emirates, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Shadow of the Pharaoh (1996)

The Shadow of the Pharaoh (1996)

Under Pharaoh Amemphis III's reign, the most powerful in the kingdom, as vizier Burkis and a fanatic and xenophobic priest, will try to overthrow the...

Trances (1982)

Trances (1982)

Documentary about the Moroccan musical group Nass El Ghiwane.

Mountain Boy (2024)

Mountain Boy (2024)

Suhail, a young boy with Autism, flees to live in the mountains after his father shuns him, not understanding his disability.

Reaction (2012)

Reaction (2012)

When a series of seemingly random people are murdered, baffled police search for a iller who may have a connection to them all.

The East Wind (1975)

The East Wind (1975)

Set in the mid-1950s when Tangier was still an international zone, El Chergui presents the city on the eve of its independence, as Aïcha resorts to...

Maqsoom (2024)

Maqsoom (2024)

Hind, Emy and Rania can’t really stand each other. In the 90s, during their university years, they used to sing together in a band in before...

Before the farewell (1986)

Before the farewell (1986)

Famous actress Sherine lives with her uncle Dr. Omar and his daughter Amal, suffering a headache that comes back to her. Examined by Dr. Adel, and it...

A Message to the Governor (1998)

A Message to the Governor (1998)

In the year 1807, they city of Rashid is under attack by the British forces. Harfoush, a brave knight must deliver a message to the ruler of Egypt to...

On the Go (2024)

On the Go (2024)

The events revolve around Hadi Hadi Abdel Hadi, a thirty-year-old lazy young man who lives with his father. His life is turned upside down when he is...

Vernacular Plan (2020)

Vernacular Plan (2020)

A light comedy about a man who enlists the help of two people in order to steal important documents from a bank safe, which leads them to pick and...

Antar Holding His Sword (1983)

Antar Holding His Sword (1983)

Antar is a poor farmer who flies to Italy after he sings a job contract with one of his relatives. After he arrives in Italy, he discovers that the...

Ramses Paris (2023)

Ramses Paris (2023)

A love story begins between Isabel, the daughter of the French governor of Rosetta, and the Egyptian Selim, so her father sends her to France, where...

Drive Slowly or Move Forward (2017)

Drive Slowly or Move Forward (2017)

When a young man looking for a good driving instructor for his mother receives a recommendation by an employee in one of the specialized driving...

Building No. 13 (1987)

Building No. 13 (1987)

Saleh inherits a building after the death of his uncle, he is surprised to find out that tenants living in the building are suffering from different...

The Station (1989)

The Station (1989)

Sudan, in the late 1980s. People cross the desert on foot or cover long distances by car and truck. In Al Mahatta, Eltayeb Mahdi shows encounters at...

The Challenge (2016)

The Challenge (2016)

Director Yuri Ancarani crosses the Persian Gulf to accompany a falconer to an important competition, entering the surreal world of wealthy Qatari...

18 Days (2011)

18 Days (2011)

10 filmmakers provide 10 separate stories focusing on the 18 days of the 2011 Egyptian revolution. Ten stories they have experienced, heard, or...

The Thief and the Fool (2013)

The Thief and the Fool (2013)

A foolish man down on his luck is befriended by another man who lost his eye in a brawl. Little does he know that his new, one-eyed friend is...

The Day I Lost My Shadow (2018)

The Day I Lost My Shadow (2018)

It is winter in Damascus. Sana, with her eight-year-old son, is living alone while her husband works in Saudi Arabia. When Sana runs out of gas to...

Blind Intersections (2013)

Blind Intersections (2013)

Three protagonists, one city, different backgrounds: Nour, India and Marwan pass each other but they never meet, though the effect of one incident...