Bosnia and Herzegovina Movies Page 12

The most popular movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina page 12 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

My! My! My Little Room! (2013)

My! My! My Little Room! (2013)

The oldest sister is moving abroad for college, and her younger brother and sister start a battle for her little room. They both want to move out of...

My Mother's Swedish Heart (2022)

My Mother's Swedish Heart (2022)

In the summer of 1993, a group of Bosnian refugees flee to Sweden due to the war in Bosnia. The Swedish Red Cross places refugees in a pavilion for...

My Dad, the Clown (2020)

My Dad, the Clown (2020)

As many parents are, Sara's are divorced. As few parents are, Sara's dad is a professional clown. After a major life event, Sara has the opportunity...

Liberation in 26 Pictures (2009)

Liberation in 26 Pictures (2009)

Forgotten old partisan leads a lonely life. His only interests are watching neighbors and sumo. One day something he sees with his WW2 binoculars...

Museum of Broken Relationships (2009)

Museum of Broken Relationships (2009)

A broken relationship. A weekend in a city of love. A mixture of passion, hate, loneliness and revenge in an attempt to forget the things that hurt...

Mom and Dad (2006)

Mom and Dad (2006)

The year is two thousand and something. An elderly couple live alone in a flat in Sarajevo, with their own rituals: drinking coffee, playing cards,...

See You in Sarajevo (2008)

See You in Sarajevo (2008)

Going from the emotion that lied down inside of me back from 2005. and all these magical things which was cast on me by the town of Sarajevo, little...

Mila Seeking Senida (2010)

Mila Seeking Senida (2010)

Teenage girl Mila found out a name of Serbian soldier who saved her from burnt house during the war in Bosnia. She starts looking for her mother...

Heroes for a Day (2005)

Heroes for a Day (2005)

A comic tale of a group of boys and a pretty girl who try to make easy buck.

Heart of Stone (2023)

Heart of Stone (2023)

Mirjana returns home to attend her mother’s funeral. Now, surrounded by stone in a place where time seems to have come to a halt, she has to face...

Bey's Wife (2014)

Bey's Wife (2014)

Shot in two abandoned villages near Visoko (Bosnia), which offered enough locations for the mid-19th century story. It shows the culture and customs...

So She Doesn't Live (2021)

So She Doesn't Live (2021)

Bosnian province, today. Aida has broken off a relationship with the abusive Kerim and wants to go on in her life. But ties are stronger than she...

First Death Experience (2001)

First Death Experience (2001)

Dado Bratovic is comic-strip artist from Sarajevo. In 1996, after the war, he goes to get his ID card issued and finds out that he was reported dead...

Goodbye, Cockroach! (1969)

Goodbye, Cockroach! (1969)

Follows two friends and their adventures in Sarajevo during the 1980s.

Restraint (2009)

Restraint (2009)

The third part of the “Mujo Is Looking at Pretty Nizama” franchise.

Let There Be Colour (2020)

Let There Be Colour (2020)

On 8 September 2019 Sarajevo hosted its first Pride March, and this film covers its background.

Children Like Any Other (1995)

Children Like Any Other (1995)

This is a film that shows portraits of three children who lived in Sarajevo during the siege. Through their stories the film tries to give a picture...

The End of Unpleasant Times (1998)

The End of Unpleasant Times (1998)

Old man Zaim is alone in the world and wants to change that. He is in love with his neighbor Munevera. Munevera doesn't want him. But there are those...

Flesh (2018)

Flesh (2018)

Mirko, an average football player at the end of his career, is back in his hometown because of a knee injury. His family owns a restaurant which is...

A Shot in the Soul (2015)

A Shot in the Soul (2015)

True shocking stories about war rapes and other acts of sexual violence during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992.