Bosnia and Herzegovina Movies Page 16

The most popular movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina page 16 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Neither Sunny Nor Cloudy (2019)

Neither Sunny Nor Cloudy (2019)

A story about a retired soldier and a former homeless man, now living in his hard-won new home – the Centre for the Homeless.

Natural Selection (2019)

Natural Selection (2019)

Woman-Doe is a living sculpture trapped in urban spaces of boredom and melancholia, and in the utopian museums where she works. She entertains...

Stack of Material (2019)

Stack of Material (2019)

Searching for a lost image of home and identity.

The Match (2018)

The Match (2018)

The action of the film follows the artist who, since the girl left him, lost his inspiration.

Srdjo (2007)

Srdjo (2007)

This documentary tells about the incident which happened on Januar 21, 1993 in the town of Trebinje (Republika Srpska), when a local Serb, Srđan...

A Self-Reflection in Three Episodes (2018)

A Self-Reflection in Three Episodes (2018)

An overview of three stylistically separate, but emotionally connected episodes relating to the nature of identity of a young woman and an artist.

Two Schools (2017)

Two Schools (2017)

Famous Travnik Gymnasium building after the war in Bosnia has been divided into 2 schools. Christmas football tournament is the only thing that...

A Day on the Drina (2010)

A Day on the Drina (2010)

In august 2010, during the repair of the turbines of the hydroelectric power plant Bajina Bašta, body remains of more than 250 incomplete skeletons...

Apollo: First War Cinema (2013)

Apollo: First War Cinema (2013)

In 1993 Sarajevo was under the siege. Against all odds a small group of enthusiasts managed to open the First War Cinema in Sarajevo. For them this...

A Shot in the Soul (2015)

A Shot in the Soul (2015)

True shocking stories about war rapes and other acts of sexual violence during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992.

Jadranka (2016)

Jadranka (2016)

A former Yugoslavian and Japanese singing star, painter, refugee turned stateless, beloved poet of unrequited love. It is not well-known that she...

Wizard from Mutanj (2018)

Wizard from Mutanj (2018)

It was once an Ivo the Tzar, born on the slopes of the picturesque but crisp mountains Rudnik in Serbia. Ivo dreamed of great dreams for which there...

Guidance Through the Black Hole (2017)

Guidance Through the Black Hole (2017)

Sule is a hard-living, chain smoking poet - one of the few remaining bohemians left in London's Portobello. Drinking and gambling with his eastern...

Ahead of the Front Line (2004)

Ahead of the Front Line (2004)

The film shows life of displaced people living in a school classroom that serves as refugee shelter.

The Hunt (2014)

The Hunt (2014)

The year is 2156. The civilization you know more does not exist. All this was preceded by wars. Natural disasters of great magnitude. Now the rule...

The Unidentified (2015)

The Unidentified (2015)

The Unidentified is a feature-length documentary which reveals who were the commanders responsible for some of the most brutal attacks of the Kosovo...

Cor(n)e(r) of the Matter (2005)

Cor(n)e(r) of the Matter (2005)

Batan is the goalkeeper of the Zanatlija football club from Visoko, competing in the lowest-level town league of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their...

What Do I Know (2007)

What Do I Know (2007)

In and around a house love stories intertwine. One love story leads to another. The ghosts of love are left behind to seek the answers to the same...

The Patriot (2011)

The Patriot (2011)

At the beginning of Bosnian war in one village, two Serbian soldiers capture two of their Muslim neighbors and take them to shooting.

Shooting (2012)

Shooting (2012)

The members of Serbian army kill innocent Bosnian Muslim victims after Srebrenica massacre in the nearby village of Kravice.