Bosnia and Herzegovina Movies Page 15

The most popular movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina page 15 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

What Do I Know (2007)

What Do I Know (2007)

In and around a house love stories intertwine. One love story leads to another. The ghosts of love are left behind to seek the answers to the same...

Dogs of Home (2020)

Dogs of Home (2020)

Bosnia was divided by war in the 1990s. The older population stayed while the younger population left. The film’s two mediums, documentary and...

Looking for Dayton (2020)

Looking for Dayton (2020)

This film follows 3 friends who were in Sarajevo during the war as they go to the US for the 20th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement, where they ask...

Re-membering: Meditation on a Triptych (2023)

Re-membering: Meditation on a Triptych (2023)

The year is 1983. Found archival material depicts people in the small Bosnian town of Tešanj. Suddenly a well-known figure appears, the...

Maglaj - War and Peace (2018)

Maglaj - War and Peace (2018)

The movie features three war veterans from Maglaj, who give account of war time developments and post-war reconciliation in this municipality

My Dad, the Clown (2020)

My Dad, the Clown (2020)

As many parents are, Sara's are divorced. As few parents are, Sara's dad is a professional clown. After a major life event, Sara has the opportunity...

Heart of Stone (2023)

Heart of Stone (2023)

Mirjana returns home to attend her mother’s funeral. Now, surrounded by stone in a place where time seems to have come to a halt, she has to face...

Red Was My Favorite (2023)

Red Was My Favorite (2023)

Bosnia and Herzegovina / Ema (8), wanting to stay out a bit longer with her friends at the park, decides to ask her mother Anja (29) for permission....

The Way We Played (2006)

The Way We Played (2006)

On the eve of war in Bosnia, two boys go looking for treasure in an abandoned hill fort oblivious to the encroaching danger. Instead of gold they...

First Birthday After the Apocalypse (2020)

First Birthday After the Apocalypse (2020)

In her autobiographical documentary, the young director uses cartoon impressions, photographic memories, and the various stages of baking a cake to...

Plastic Bags (2007)

Plastic Bags (2007)

In a public park, plastic bags are rolling in the wind.

Bad Luck (2008)

Bad Luck (2008)

The sequel of the film “Mujo Is Looking at Pretty Nizama”.

Sarajevo Spring (2008)

Sarajevo Spring (2008)

In Sarajevo, drinking coffee means much more than just waking up… How hard can sometimes be to relax and just enjoy the prospect around you? This...

Interview with Sula (2023)

Interview with Sula (2023)

Davor Sučić aka Sejo Sexon talks about his views on music.

Land of Mine (2023)

Land of Mine (2023)

Documentary, featuring a project of the artist Irena Pejcic. The Project adresses the situation of landmines and their consequenzes to the population...

Words (2023)

Words (2023)

A short love story about a young couple, who live their own version of a love relationship, where they refuse to use redundant words in communication...

The Hunt (2014)

The Hunt (2014)

The year is 2156. The civilization you know more does not exist. All this was preceded by wars. Natural disasters of great magnitude. Now the rule...

Natural Selection (2019)

Natural Selection (2019)

Woman-Doe is a living sculpture trapped in urban spaces of boredom and melancholia, and in the utopian museums where she works. She entertains...

The Balkan Spring (2013)

The Balkan Spring (2013)

A story of the Balkan hip hop talent Denis (Denis Dafinic) that struggles to survive amidst hard working physical labor and the desire to make it...

Our Brazilian Story (2014)

Our Brazilian Story (2014)

History of national football team of Bosnia and Herzegovina from war to World Cup 2014 in Brazil.