Bosnia and Herzegovina Movies Page 3

The most popular movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina page 3 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Scream for Me Sarajevo (2018)

Scream for Me Sarajevo (2018)

In 1994, Sarajevo was a city under siege. Mortars and rocket propelled grenades rained onto the city, killing indiscriminately, every day. Amongst...

Die Before Death (2023)

Die Before Death (2023)

Zlatan B. is 38, and appears to be hard as a rock and drop-dead gorgeous. He is a respectable gynecologist with no moral dilemmas concerning...

Children of Sarajevo (2012)

Children of Sarajevo (2012)

A microcosm of the fathomless suffering that remains more than 16 years since the siege of Sarajevo ended, writer-director Aida Begic’s follow-up...

Shopping (2008)

Shopping (2008)

The director's fascination is the parallel world which exists behind the doors of big shopping malls. It is as if behind those doors everyday human...

Fuse (2003)

Fuse (2003)

Two years after the Bosnian civil war, a town that is slowly rebuilding itself must whip together a democracy when it's announced the U.S. President...

Ascending (2018)

Ascending (2018)

The girl, in an attempt to escape the outside world that frightens and frustrates her, finds peace in a hidden place to realize that this newly...

The Ship of Fools (2006)

The Ship of Fools (2006)

Sarajevo in 1992. Vedran, a once famous musician, tries to shelter his family from the madness of war. He hides them in his old house and goes out of...

Men Don't Cry (2017)

Men Don't Cry (2017)

The armed conflicts of the 1990s not only visibly destroyed the land of the former Yugoslavia, but also left the deepest wounds in the memory of each...

Excursion (2023)

Excursion (2023)

In Sarajevo, a teenager seeking affirmation reveals that she had sex for the first time during a game of "truth or dare" among middle schoolers......

Paycheck (2005)

Paycheck (2005)

A man earns his first paycheck by driving his motorcycle, for the pleasure of rich people, through a mine field in Bosnia.

Counterpoint (2019)

Counterpoint (2019)

In a small registry office of a local government department, there is nothing new under the neon lights. The manager of the office and his employees...

Frigidance (2010)

Frigidance (2010)

In a bizarre tango lesson, everyone is dancing. They follow the instructor, who leads them towards a more passionate approach to the tango. One of...

Ficus (2018)

Ficus (2018)

Almir is a closeted gay man struggling with self-acceptance. Left high and dry by his married lover, Almir decides to spend New Year’s Eve with his...

Pangaea (2015)

Pangaea (2015)

Dementia draws a woman into a world of memory loops, losing her love her spirit, her present her past.

The Son (2019)

The Son (2019)

Arman is about to turn 18. He was adopted as a baby by Jasna and Senad, who were unable to have children of their own. However, four years after the...

Clean (2017)

Clean (2017)

Fudo is a drug addict who decides to quit heroin and reconcile with his mother after his best friend dies. However, people continue to perceive him...

Belvedere (2010)

Belvedere (2010)

The film deals with the tragedy of the women survivors of the Srebrenica genocide, or rather, the consequences of the horrors they experienced - it...

The Pursuit (2006)

The Pursuit (2006)

Bosnian short film about some people and their problems in the city.

Ideal 68 (2018)

Ideal 68 (2018)

On June 3, 1968, student protests began in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the first major conflict with the then communist...

Posthumous (2011)

Posthumous (2011)

Mirsad’s father’s village is evacuated due to dam construction. The village will soon be under water. Mirsad arrives from the city intending to...