Democratic Republic of the Congo Movies

The most popular movies from Democratic Republic of the Congo which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Democratic Republic of the Congo, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Rafiki (2018)

Rafiki (2018)

Kena and Ziki long for something more. Despite the political rivalry between their families, the girls resist and remain close friends, supporting...

Watu Wote: All of Us (2017)

Watu Wote: All of Us (2017)

For a decade Kenya has been targeted by terrorist attacks of the Al-Shabaab. An atmosphere of anxiety and mistrust between Muslims and Christians is...

The Girl in the Yellow Jumper (2020)

The Girl in the Yellow Jumper (2020)

As word spreads that there is a serial killer at large who continues to commit murder, an off-duty police officer must return an elderly witness who...

Married to Work (2023)

Married to Work (2023)

To save their real estate agency, an ambitious businesswoman and her entitled boss must convince an investor they're married -- despite hating each...

Our Madness (2018)

Our Madness (2018)

Ernania is hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital in Mozambique. She dreams about her little son, Hanic, and her husband, Pak, who is a soldier of...

Red Valentine (2008)

Red Valentine (2008)

Nicholaus blames his wife Vivian for not conceiving a child, but is unwilling to see a doctor to investigate the cause of their infertility....

The Envelope (2018)

The Envelope (2018)

Bahasha is the story of Kitasa, an elected public official who betrays his family, friends and community when he takes an easy bribe. He learns the...

Women of Hope (1986)

Women of Hope (1986)

A black and a white woman meets in Dar es Salam because of their men, and starts a friendship, despite their different background.

Malaika (2022)

Malaika (2022)

In a land where the birth of twins is taboo, a king and queen come into conflict with the gods and each other when they have twins of their own.

Sincerely Daisy (2020)

Sincerely Daisy (2020)

Sincerely Daisy is a 2020 Kenyan coming-of-age romantic comedy film produced and directed by popular actor Nick Mutuma. The film stars Ella Maina,...

40 Sticks (2020)

40 Sticks (2020)

A group of prisoners trapped in a crashed prison bus strive to stay alive when they realize there is a mysterious killer lurking in the shadows.

Kati Kati (2016)

Kati Kati (2016)

Bereft of earthly memories, a new arrival in the afterlife struggles to recover the past, in this poetic fantasy that offers a dark reflection on...

Uradi (2021)

Uradi (2021)

A university student looks for a way to make quick and easy money and finds out that its not as easy as he imagined.

Tug of War (2024)

Tug of War (2024)

A coming-of-age political love story set in the final years of British colonial Zanzibar. Denge, a young freedom fighter meets Yasmin, an...

The Gift (2017)

The Gift (2017)

Mashoto’s life in the city is a hustle. It’s a fast life in the fast city of Dar es Salaam. There’s no time to stop and Mashoto likes it this...

Pili (2018)

Pili (2018)

Pili lives in rural Tanzania, working the fields for less than $1 a day to feed her two children and struggling to manage her HIV-positive status in...

A Woman in Makueni (2023)

A Woman in Makueni (2023)

She is in prison, waiting. But he has a long way to travel and arrives too late. He wanders through the strange city, lost, until he meets a woman...

The Battle for Laikipia (2024)

The Battle for Laikipia (2024)

The stakes escalate in a longstanding conflict between Indigenous pastoralists and white landowners in Laikipia, Kenya, as unresolved historical...

Apostles of Cinema (2023)

Apostles of Cinema (2023)

Apostles of Cinema follows Frank, DJ Black, and Rehema — three devoted film workers in Tanzania — as they reintroduce a classic piece of the...

Shimoni (2022)

Shimoni (2022)

In this gripping and carefully developed drama from editor–turned–writer-director Angela Wanjiku Wamai, a teacher newly released from prison...