Georgia Movies Page 32

The most popular movies from Georgia page 32 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Georgia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Ekvtime: Man of God (2018)

Ekvtime: Man of God (2018)

Man who was a Guardian of The National Treasure of his homeland Sakartvelo (Georgia) in France placed in 39 big boxes, did not lose any item and...

Downpour (2017)

Downpour (2017)

Nano, is arriving at her countryside family house first time since childhood. The village welcomes her with Downpour - unstoppable rains. Her...

Cotton Candy (2018)

Cotton Candy (2018)

Grandmother while watching the performance, she first time gets into the dialogue with herself, before the moment she did not have time. After...

Dialect (2018)

Dialect (2018)

The language of God can't be learned if you can't already speak it. Nor can it be recorded or reproduced. Despite this warning, Mithras, a sound...

I, George Balanchine (2015)

I, George Balanchine (2015)

I, George Balanchine is a film portraying the life story of a choreographer who became a legend in his own lifetime. He was known as Giorgi...

Jara (2017)

Jara (2017)

Jara is a year-round travel into the wilderness of Adjara forest and life of nearby villages. Beauty and hardness of pristine nature, human impact,...

Lantsky Papa's Stolen Ox (2018)

Lantsky Papa's Stolen Ox (2018)

1945. Four thieves, a stolen ox, a dragon lying under a sofa, a jealous brother and a Soviet inspector murdered in a mill: here are some of the...

Security Guard (2018)

Security Guard (2018)

Khaburzania and Koridze are serving their mandatory military service by guarding an abandoned factory which was sold recently, they are ordered not...

The American Concessioner of Chiatura Manganese - Averell Harriman (2018)

The American Concessioner of Chiatura Manganese - Averell Harriman (2018)

The film is set in the recently Sovietized Georgia during the NEP period. 1925 year… in spite of a number of obstacles and barriers, the American...

The invisible hand of my father (2018)

The invisible hand of my father (2018)

The source of this film is the personal life of my father, Nugzari, and his right hand. The hand that has been playing a crucial role in his economic...

The Smell of Bread (2018)

The Smell of Bread (2018)

In every family, every day is set a table, with newly baked bread, spreading its odor in the room. However, nobody knows, by what means is this bread...

Transparent World (2018)

Transparent World (2018)

Beka is 26 years old... His father taught him his profession. Beka makes art photography and a film about a physicist and composer. He had his first...

No, Pal (1993)

No, Pal (1993)

One day in the life of 29 year old Levan, who is preparing to go travelling around the world.

Coming Closer (1989)

Coming Closer (1989)

A full-blooded, interesting life has long eluded the house where a mother, father, son and daughter live. Trivial household matters, conversation at...

Eraser (2018)

Eraser (2018)

A man steals a wooden fence from a tall residential building. A neighbor’s child falls down from the fence and dies. A man finds an eraser which...

Parade (2020)

Parade (2020)

Three downtrodden friends reunite by chance after years apart and strike out on one last adventure in an attempt to recreate the halcyon days of...

The Feast-Day of Tamar and Lashari (1998)

The Feast-Day of Tamar and Lashari (1998)

The Pshavi people of the eastern mountains of the Republic of Georgia perform a ritual which can be characterized as a syncretism of ancient...

A New Year (2018)

A New Year (2018)

When a man decides to follow his faith, his family faces a crisis at a time of year usually filled with hope.

Apollo Javakheti (2018)

Apollo Javakheti (2018)

Bandura is growing up with his single mother in the Georgian region of Javakheti. The teenager earns extra money herding sheep, helping the local...

Swede Prince from Imereti (1995)

Swede Prince from Imereti (1995)

A story of love of a Georgian country boy and the Princess of Sweden.