Georgia Movies Page 34

The most popular movies from Georgia page 34 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Georgia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Londre (1966)

Londre (1966)

the movie about Londre

Léthé (2016)

Léthé (2016)

By the river of oblivion, a lonely horsemen passes through a village where children play with hidden desires, adults are indulged in a celebration...

Gzaabneulni (2013)

Gzaabneulni (2013)

Two unemployed people lose control and start earning money through some frauds.

The Last Day, The First Day (1960)

The Last Day, The First Day (1960)

Old postman in his last working day again chamouvlis householders to introduce them to the new girl postman. Many passengers from door to door...

Somebody Else's Children (1958)

Somebody Else's Children (1958)

Nato, a student, befriends two children in the street, a brother and a sister. She does not know that their father just broke up with his wife on the...

The Dazzling Light of Sunset (2016)

The Dazzling Light of Sunset (2016)

Flanked by her phlegmatic sidekick, Dariko is the only outside broadcast journalist at a local Georgian television channel. With derisory resources,...

Bela (1927)

Bela (1927)

Pechorin is deprived of the officer’s rank and gets transferred to one of the mountain villages of the Caucasus. He gets bored of the everyday life...

When the Earth Seems to Be Light (2015)

When the Earth Seems to Be Light (2015)

A poetic documentary about modern youth... the stories of kids, skaters, artists and musicians in a post soviet Georgia - a country in a distracted...

A First Confession (1974)

A First Confession (1974)

A story about the first love set in a Georgian village.

Here Comes the Dawn (1998)

Here Comes the Dawn (1998)

The head of the security service is faced with a choice: to continue serving the state or to give up everything in order to save his sick son.

Dinola (2013)

Dinola (2013)

In the harsh mountainous countryside of Svaneti (Georgia) . Happiness is brief and the love of life of the Dina dies. Tradition says she must marry...

The Waltz on the Petschora (1992)

The Waltz on the Petschora (1992)

Set in 1937 Stalinist Georgia, the film traces the parallel destinies of a mother, condemned by the government as "an enemy of the people" and exiled...

Saba (1929)

Saba (1929)

A rework of Boris Sigal's play The Trial of Stepan Korolev. Set in Tbilisi rather than Leningrad is a morality tale about the hazards of alcohol...

Journey of Akaki Tsereteli in Racha-Lechkhumi (1912)

Journey of Akaki Tsereteli in Racha-Lechkhumi (1912)

The first Georgian full-length documentary follows the trip of the “king of Georgian poetry”, Akaki Tsereteli, to Racha and Lechkhumi, and his...

On The Border (1993)

On The Border (1993)

Civil War in the 1990s. Society is divided into two opposing parts. The protagonist has relatives and friends on both sides, he is torn by this...

A Mill in Suburb of the City (1981)

A Mill in Suburb of the City (1981)

Directed by Rezo Esadze.

Here with Us (1990)

Here with Us (1990)

Directed by Zaza Khalvashi.

The Lasts (2006)

The Lasts (2006)

There are two small Georgian villages from the Middle Ages left in the mountainous Racha region, Ghebi and Chiora. The villages are isolated from the...

The Stain (1985)

The Stain (1985)

Directed by Aleko Tsabadze.