Iran Movies Page 48

The most popular movies from Iran page 48 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Iran, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Fifi Howls from Happiness (2013)

Fifi Howls from Happiness (2013)

Bahman Mohassess was a celebrated artist at the time of the Shah. Trained in Italy, he created sculptures and paintings in his homeland. But...

Divarkesh (2021)

Divarkesh (2021)

Mohsen Aghaei's documentary "Divarkesh" deals with the connection between sex and politics in Iran and the world. A phenomenon known as pornocracy....

From Tehran to Cairo (2011)

From Tehran to Cairo (2011)

A documentary about the latest days of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last king of Iran.

Emroz -o farda (1966)

Emroz -o farda (1966)

The bus takes orphanages for a short camp to the northern regions of the country...

The Ship Angelica (1989)

The Ship Angelica (1989)

Many years ago The Angelica which was carrying gold and silver from the Portuguese to the Arab Sheykhs had been sunk in the Persian Gulf. Ahmad Beyk...

Harmonica (1974)

Harmonica (1974)

Set on the southern coast of Iran, "Harmonica" begins as a young boy receives a musical present from abroad. Fascinated and envious, his friends make...

The Killer (2010)

The Killer (2010)

A young forensic psychiatrist visits an old friend whose fiancee ROYA has been accused of murder. Though he learns about ROYA's psychological...

God Is Close (2007)

God Is Close (2007)

The people who live in Reza's village think of him as a simple minded young man. He transports passengers through the road which has been destroyed...

And, Towards Happy Alleys (2023)

And, Towards Happy Alleys (2023)

A passionate declaration of love for the cinema and poetry of Iran, which also offers a frank view of the precarious situation for critics of the...

The Right Way (1970)

The Right Way (1970)

Ali gets a job and, by dint of dedication and patience, achieves a significant promotion and ends up becoming the manager of the company, as well as...

The Lucky Bride (2002)

The Lucky Bride (2002)

Donya is a wealthy woman but she is not living a happy life, she goes to a psychiatrist and starts telling him the story of her life; how she has...

Samad Becomes Homeless (1978)

Samad Becomes Homeless (1978)

Persian (Iranian) Movie

The Upside down Triangle A Film By Hossein Rajabian (2016)

The Upside down Triangle A Film By Hossein Rajabian (2016)

A film about the right to divorce for women in Iran. The Upside-down Triangle is the first feature film by Iranian independent filmmaker Hossein...

White Death (1984)

White Death (1984)

in a seaport town, Job, and Job for the sake of material poverty, has worked with a few skilled smugglers, who, when they were taking the transport,...

Sorkhpustha (1979)

Sorkhpustha (1979)

Arbab Jamshid St. is a congregation place for the extras of Persian Film where they wait for a famous person called Ciccio to take them to the movie...

Driving Lessons (2019)

Driving Lessons (2019)

According to the laws of Iran, Bahareh must have her traditional, chauvinistic husband accompany her to driving lessons so she and her instructor...

The Guidance Patrol 2 (2017)

The Guidance Patrol 2 (2017)

َAbbas and Hassan Got out of prison Afrer 5 years and go to Atta, Atta Has gotten out coma recently and back to normal life, These three friends got...

Bending the Rules (2013)

Bending the Rules (2013)

The Rule of Accident is about a group of theatre students who are trying to prepare and present a piece of theatre.

Raghib (1975)

Raghib (1975)

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