Iran Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from Iran page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Iran, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Guinness (2015)

Guinness (2015)

They will make it to the Guinness record book if he can stay on a turkey for some minutes, but everything doesn't go well as expected.

Shahriyar-Karaj Psychopath (2022)

Shahriyar-Karaj Psychopath (2022)

Its a experimental documentary about three of friends whose listening to some musics in a car.

Niloofar (2008)

Niloofar (2008)

Niloofar is a twelve-year-old girl whose dream is to read and write, but she lives in a village where education is only for boys. Her mother, a...

Lasagna (2018)

Lasagna (2018)

Parsia, who has blamed all school, says the new moderator wants to bring her mother to school tomorrow, but Parsia, who realizes the critical...

Alzheimer (2011)

Alzheimer (2011)

A story about Human beings and their relations which has a man in the center of it. Because of a car accident he has Alzheimer and must face a...

Sometimes look at the sky (2003)

Sometimes look at the sky (2003)

In a sanitarium for injures of war some ghosts are waiting and wandering about but for different reasons.

The Painting Pool (2013)

The Painting Pool (2013)

Maryam (Negar Javaherian) and Reza (Shahab Hosseini) are different from other people, it's not just a simple difference, but a very big difference....

Mixed Pizza (2011)

Mixed Pizza (2011)

Cousins Manouchehr and Gholam live and work in a pizza shop owned by their friend Haji. When Haji goes on pilgrimage, he leaves his house keys with...

Child Eater (2018)

Child Eater (2018)

A young boy alone with no parents who makes a living by vending falls in love with a girl in a gaming club. For the dangerous men in the gaming club...

The Scent of Joseph's Shirt (1995)

The Scent of Joseph's Shirt (1995)

َA father, Daei Ghafur, does not accept his son's death during 1980-1988 conflict between Iran and Iraq, and believes he is alive despite all...

Exterior Wash (2019)

Exterior Wash (2019)

Zohreh with her mother, brought her friend Mahtab for pony on the day of the funeral of his father in Car Wash.

First Stone (2010)

First Stone (2010)

The First Stone is a 2009 film directed and written by Ebrahim Forouzeh.

Golden Diet (2012)

Golden Diet (2012)

When Pari and Mehdi are not able to have children, Mehdi's mother suggests he has a second marriage. This pushes Pari to seek revenge by requesting...

Wing Mirror (2017)

Wing Mirror (2017)

Accidentally, a poor couple and a rich one meet each other. These young couple have some difficulties.

Golpari Joon (1974)

Golpari Joon (1974)

No description

Raspberry (2013)

Raspberry (2013)

Hamid and Homa are incapable of having a baby. Rezvan accepts to carry their child in her uterus through artificial impregnation until the child is...

Salome (1973)

Salome (1973)

Khalil (Saeed Rad) and Sadiq (Jalal Pishvayyan) and Karim (Ibrahim Naderi), who fail to find a suitable job, decide to smuggle.