Latvia Movies Page 4

The most popular movies from Latvia page 4 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Latvia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Bitter Wine (2007)

Bitter Wine (2007)

Donats is a modern-day Don Juan juggling the various women in his life seemingly without any consequences, until he falls in love with Agnese. Her...

Kolka Cool (2011)

Kolka Cool (2011)

A film that depicts the mentality of the inhabitants of a small village on the Baltic coast. Three guys are trying to fulfill their life's by...

Snow Crazy (2012)

Snow Crazy (2012)

There is a popular Latvian folksong which begins with the phrase "I was singing out high on a mountain". The irony of it is that according to...

The Pit (2020)

The Pit (2020)

Markuss must adapt to a new life living with his granny in the countryside. After Emīlija – a neighbor’s daughter – throws some contemptuous...

Eva (2018)

Eva (2018)

Eva – a beautiful, but meek young woman – arrives at an isolated country house where her husband Robert is lying in a coma recovering from...

The Hippocratic Oath (1965)

The Hippocratic Oath (1965)

After a botched surgery a rookie doctor takes a job in a meteorological station in the Arctic Circle.

Naughty Emil (1985)

Naughty Emil (1985)

One of the iconic Latvian movies. Based on Astrid Lindgren's book 'Emil of Lönneberga'. A story of a little boy, Emil, who, according to others is...

Converts (2016)

Converts (2016)

Maija is a young and ambitious journalist who wants to do something that no other journalist has dared. In order to conduct a groundbreaking research...

Keys to Paradise (1975)

Keys to Paradise (1975)

Successful work and life of a brave militia captain who does not know much about human psychology.

Martian (2015)

Martian (2015)

A little boy pulls out one Martian toy from a vending machine and it turns into a real alien who takes him to his planet, where he is surronded by...

My Freedom (2023)

My Freedom (2023)

Alicija (33), a Polish-born liberal free-thinker, joins the Awakening movement in occupied Latvia. Her newlywed husband Ilgvars (53), a man with the...

Fallen (2005)

Fallen (2005)

One night, Matiss Zelcs, an employee of the Latvian national archive in Riga, notices a woman on a bridge. After passing by her without preventing...

Scortum (2007)

Scortum (2007)

The relationships between two people are never easy. Especially when complicated by their professions. We are used to think that profession or...

The Shift (2020)

The Shift (2020)

Mareks (32) is a young taxi driver in Riga working hard to provide for his son. He is looking forward to spending the weekend with him when an...

The Python (2003)

The Python (2003)

An absurdist farce centering around a school in post-Soviet Latvia. After a rather disgusting prank (someone defecates in the school attic), the...

Diva (2021)

Diva (2021)

An ageing theatre star struggles with her mental condition and pending diagnosis, while preparing for a role. With the premiere approaching, she...