Latvia Movies Page 45

The most popular movies from Latvia page 45 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Latvia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Scissorman (2005)

Scissorman (2005)

Little children have a bad habit of sucking their thumbs, so in the old days mothers used to frighten them with the Scissorman - a tailor who will...

Treehouse Ipiķi (2013)

Treehouse Ipiķi (2013)

A group of children from the capital city of Riga arrive in the small border village of Ipiķi. The townsfolk immediately know that "they aren’t...

Male Games in the Open Air (1978)

Male Games in the Open Air (1978)

Relations of two sportsmen who often forget that they are not the only ones in the stadium.

Mud (2010)

Mud (2010)

Latvians think through mud and view the world through a “muddy” filter. Where does the mud come from, and why does it invariably remain: in this...

Ludis (2016)

Ludis (2016)

Ludis and his daughter live in a greedy and narcissistic village. One day Ludis’ tractor crashes and the entire village loses electricity. Ludis...

Burnt by the Moon (2016)

Burnt by the Moon (2016)

Gifted artist Raul has been stuck in a wheelchair for 15 years due to his life choices and his paintings have been the only way to express his...

Dramatiskā Gramatika (2007)

Dramatiskā Gramatika (2007)

Follow the adventures of group of men. And other interesting things you will like. 👍🏿

Devil's Servants on a Devil's Mill (1972)

Devil's Servants on a Devil's Mill (1972)

The 30-year war still goes on. Riga headmasters have decided to submit themselves to mercy of Polish-Lithuanian Duke. Rigas' defenders disagree...

Planet Amber (2014)

Planet Amber (2014)

When the world was younger, ships, explorers and merchants carried not only foreign goods, but also stories. Those stories drew a map of the world...

How Shammies Were Getting Married (2014)

How Shammies Were Getting Married (2014)

Shammies are playing Chutes and Ladders. Sockie is not doing too well, she would rather do something else, like, got married. But to whom?

Grandpa More Dangerous Than a Computer (2017)

Grandpa More Dangerous Than a Computer (2017)

Eight-year-old Oskar’s holidays start miserably; his parents “swap” the computer for his granddad to protect the child from the dangerous...

The Sleep Train (1996)

The Sleep Train (1996)

An animation by Roze Stiebra, Lielais Kristaps award for Best animation film 1998.

Hike '44 (2019)

Hike '44 (2019)

“Hike '44" is a personal story by director Lauris Abele and cinematographer Marcis Abele about how to maintain humanity when the world falls apart....

24-25 Doesn't Come Back (1969)

24-25 Doesn't Come Back (1969)

In the experimental clinic, a batch of valuable drug was stolen. Major Grigast suspects that someone from the clinic is involved in this. He entrusts...

The Buzz in the Void (2021)

The Buzz in the Void (2021)

Ainars has been a principal of a local music school for forty years until he is unexpectedly fired. Ainars feels betrayed. Seeing him unhappy, his...