Macedonia Movies Page 6

The most popular movies from Macedonia page 6 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Macedonia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Woman Who Brushed Off Her Tears (2012)

The Woman Who Brushed Off Her Tears (2012)

After her son's tragic death, Helena abducts her employee, Lucian, and travels with him and her husband to scatter her son's ashes in Macedonia....

The Man Who Wasn't There (2017)

The Man Who Wasn't There (2017)

The ghost of a dead man strives to find his other half.

Aco Kabadaya (2011)

Aco Kabadaya (2011)

"Kabadaya" is a Turkish term, which is made up of the words "kaba" and "dahija" (daja), and most generally means a big boaster, bigot. Starting from...

Hairs (2013)

Hairs (2013)

Detective Veli investigates the murder of a little girl with one hair as key evidence and a crime scene that makes her re-examine her own sanity and...

A Shot (1972)

A Shot (1972)

Youth, which courage is always without prejudice, in Skopje in time of Bulgarian occupation in WW2, desire freedom for the people, resolves to...

The Southern Trail (1982)

The Southern Trail (1982)

Follows the course of three different and independent relationships. The first in which a man renews a relationship with a former girlfriend. In the...

Mi(s)sing Dog (2019)

Mi(s)sing Dog (2019)

It's one bad day for Rudolf, a lonely 77-year old retired linguist, when he finds himself tailed by a dog he can't get rid of on his way to the post...

Easter Customs (1954)

Easter Customs (1954)

Traditions during Easter holidays in the remote village of Grešnica. The film was a research project of the newly opened Ethnological Museum to...

The Beginning (2018)

The Beginning (2018)

The world is full of lies and deception. People doubt in everything; everything seems suspicious to them. They even doubt in their own existence....

The Forgotten (1995)

The Forgotten (1995)

Macedonian TV drama.

Mother Teresa (2000)

Mother Teresa (2000)

The first film about Mother Teresa.

Demons (2006)

Demons (2006)

Tailors Marko Cepenko and his dad Kosta, along with three granny-oracles, are eyewitnesses of their mother's/wife's soul-taking by bad demons....

Light Gray (1993)

Light Gray (1993)

An omnibus with 3 segments: The Bird Urubu and Virgin, Wonderful World and Devil in the Heart, sometimes referred to as separate movies.

The Merchant of Solun (1985)

The Merchant of Solun (1985)

Macedonian TV drama dedicated to revolutionary Goce Delčev.

The False Passport (1959)

The False Passport (1959)

Simon is a young man who has decided to make quick money by smuggling narcotics. At a meeting with his contact they are ambushed by the police. Simon...

Movie - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Auteur Film Making (2007)

Movie - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Auteur Film Making (2007)

A filmmaker goes on the run rather than complete his latest picture in this offbeat comedy from Macedonian auteur Ivo Trajkov. A director (Trajkov)...