Macedonia Movies Page 7

The most popular movies from Macedonia page 7 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Macedonia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

When the Day Had No Name (2017)

When the Day Had No Name (2017)

On the day before Easter 2012, the bodies of four teenagers were found by the edge of a lake just outside Skopje. The bodies had been lined up, each...

A Wedding in Bitola (1905)

A Wedding in Bitola (1905)

Early Balkan footage.

The Macedonian Part of Hell (1971)

The Macedonian Part of Hell (1971)

At the end of the year 1942 and the start of 1943, to stop spreading the revolution in county of Bitola, bulgarian occupiers are reinforcing the...

Making Off (2018)

Making Off (2018)

An intriguing story about a girl with a lot of problems and three men trying to make a film.

The Price of a Town (1970)

The Price of a Town (1970)

The film takes place in a small town where the Germans are getting ready to retreat near the end of the war. But a carload of Russian prisoners get...

Before and After the Victory (1967)

Before and After the Victory (1967)

A newly established communist authorities in Yugoslavia face the moral challenge of how to deal with warriors of defeated side and other enemies of...

Hey! (2018)

Hey! (2018)

A group of friends unintentionally kidnap the Prime Minister of the country.

Blue Hour (2022)

Blue Hour (2022)

Petra, who has made a life for herself in the big city has a crush on her office co-worker Igor and is trying hard to start a meaningful...

The Parade of Serbian Army in Bitola (1905)

The Parade of Serbian Army in Bitola (1905)

The parade of Serbian army in Macedonian town.

The Turkish Sultan Mehmed V Resad Visiting Bitola (1911)

The Turkish Sultan Mehmed V Resad Visiting Bitola (1911)

Newsreel of the visit of sultan Mehmed V Resad to Bitola.

Bibi and Bobby in Snowmanville (2022)

Bibi and Bobby in Snowmanville (2022)

Bibi and Bobby travel with the snowman Gogo to Snowmanville to celebrate the New Year there. But Snowmanville is deserted and quiet. Where are all...

The Love Room (2023)

The Love Room (2023)

A portrait of two families by way of the intimate world of conjugal visits at Idrizovo, North Macedonia’s most notorious prison, and the effect it...

I’m Not Gay (2020)

I’m Not Gay (2020)

A comedic short film about two guys refusing to confess their sexual attraction towards each other.

Market Day in Bitola (1905)

Market Day in Bitola (1905)

The Manaki brothers have filmed a market.

Things Unsaid (2022)

Things Unsaid (2022)

A troubled teenager disturbs the fragile balance of a married couple when she moves in to stay with them for couple of days.

Tale and Corona (2022)

Tale and Corona (2022)

This is a story about the resilience of the human spirit during a pandemic. Little Tale, a great lover of film art, is infected with coronavirus and...

Would You Look at Her (2017)

Would You Look at Her (2017)

A hard-headed tomboy spots the unlikely solution to all her problems in an all-male religious ritual.

The Piano Room (2013)

The Piano Room (2013)

A run-down hotel room, a piano, a maid and the guests who stay there. Life begins, life ends, and lives are changed forever in the piano room.