Palestinian Territory Movies Page 48

The most popular movies from Palestinian Territory page 48 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Palestinian Territory, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Step Outside (2018)

Step Outside (2018)

Youssef is a young man who lives in an under-privileged part of the city. He finds a book called "Get Out Here for Me" and two of its characters...

Dance of Outlaws (2012)

Dance of Outlaws (2012)

A film about a woman who doesn’t exist. Moroccan Hind was raped and consequently denied an official identity – she has no other choice but to...

The Champion (1997)

The Champion (1997)

On the eve of the 1919 revolution in Egypt, the friendship between Houda al-Najjar, who likes boxing, Petro, who likes to sing, and the good worker...

Silence... We're Rolling (2001)

Silence... We're Rolling (2001)

Malak is a star singer who lives with her mother and her daughter, Loula, in her villa after her divorce. She falls in love with an opportunist...

Drive Slowly or Move Forward (2017)

Drive Slowly or Move Forward (2017)

When a young man looking for a good driving instructor for his mother receives a recommendation by an employee in one of the specialized driving...

Mughamarat Khadra (1950)

Mughamarat Khadra (1950)

Khadra's father, Hajj Abdullah, dies, leaving her and her brother Fares a huge fortune that he stored in Balalis. Khadra is surprised when their...

A Minute of Sun Less (2003)

A Minute of Sun Less (2003)

Kamel Raoui, a young police inspector in Tanger, investigates the murder of drug-dealer Hakim Tahiri. The victim's mistress Touria, just living for...

Sabriya (1997)

Sabriya (1997)

This film explores the impact of the modern world on the traditional male society of the Maghreb. It is a film about men who prefer to live life as...

3 Centimetres (2018)

3 Centimetres (2018)

In the oldest fun park of Beirut, four young friends go on a Ferris Wheel. During this claustrophobic open-air journey, they touch on intimate...

The Journey (2017)

The Journey (2017)

Sara enters Baghdad station with sinister intentions for its reopening ceremony. As she braces to commit an unthinkable act, her plans are...

Ismail Yassine Fil Ustul (1957)

Ismail Yassine Fil Ustul (1957)

The film revolves around a young man who falls in love with his cousin, but her mother rejects this love and marriage, and tries to marry her to an...

Yunan (1969)

Yunan (1969)

After being granted asylum in Germany, a renowned Arab author is not allowed to return home. Tired and embittered by his life in exile, Munir sets...

The Yellow Duck (2023)

The Yellow Duck (2023)

Ahmed Wafik is a serious academic researcher in psychology. Aiming to obtain an important promotion, he was compelled to work closely with Rasha, a...

The Father, Probably (2024)

The Father, Probably (2024)

We don't know much about our girl. We don't even know her name. She is involved in an accident where there were no witnesses. Her father takes this...

El Almany (2012)

El Almany (2012)

A registered felon, known as Al-Almany, lives in the slums and tries to find his way out by any means necessary, including criminal acts and...

Urgent (2018)

Urgent (2018)

Driss and Zahra leave their fisherman's village to take their six-year-old son, Ayoub, to the emergency room of the Casablanca's public hospital....

The Regret (1978)

The Regret (1978)

Yasmine works in a factory, marveling at the engineer Rauf, who works in the factory without feeling it, agrees with the old Damanhuri to clean his...

The Killer (1991)

The Killer (1991)

Raped when she was but a child, Ragaa is traumatized, and she vows revenge on all men who seek forbidden pleasure. Akin to a siren, she lures men...