Qatar Movies Page 7

The most popular movies from Qatar page 7 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Qatar, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Everybody Loves Touda (2024)

Everybody Loves Touda (2024)

Touda is a sheikha (traditional singer and dancer) who performs in dingy bars to make ends meet. But Touda has a passion. She struggles for her art...

Ave Maria (2015)

Ave Maria (2015)

The silent routine of 5 Nuns living in the West Bank wilderness is disturbed when an Israeli settler family breaks down right outside the convent...

El Talata Yeshtghalonha (2010)

El Talata Yeshtghalonha (2010)

The events revolve around the conflict between the girl and three men at one time, resulting in a lot of comedy, dealing with the phenomenon of new...

West Beirut (1998)

West Beirut (1998)

In 1975, the long slog of civil war has recently begun in Beirut. Two friends, Tarek and Omar, suffer during the Lebanese civil war. Conflicts arise...

El Max Gang (2024)

El Max Gang (2024)

The film's events revolve in a comedic context around a Mexican who is accustomed to carrying out theft and smuggling operations alone without...

A Son (2020)

A Son (2020)

Tunisia, summer 2011. The holiday to the South of the country ends in disaster for Fares, Meriem and their 10-year-old son Aziz, when he is...

Costa Brava, Lebanon (2022)

Costa Brava, Lebanon (2022)

Members of a family quit the polluted, rubbish-strewn city of Beirut for an idyllic mountain home. However, their dreams of a utopian existence are...

Sorry For Disturbance (2008)

Sorry For Disturbance (2008)

Hassan, a brilliant aviation engineer struggles with loneliness and depression while trying to design his exceptional project.

Alexandria… Why? (1979)

Alexandria… Why? (1979)

Amid the poverty, death, and suffering caused by World War II, 18-year-old Yehia retreats into a private world of fantasy and longing. Obsessed with...

True Chronicles of the Blida Joinville Psychiatric Hospital in the Last Century, when Dr Frantz Fanon Was Head of the Fifth Ward between 1953 and 1956 (2024)

True Chronicles of the Blida Joinville Psychiatric Hospital in the Last Century, when Dr Frantz Fanon Was Head of the Fifth Ward between 1953 and 1956 (2024)

Frantz Fanon is a renowned politician and decolonialisation activist. This feature focuses on his visionary social therapy methods during his time as...

Arzé (2024)

Arzé (2024)

Arzé, a single mother, takes her teenage son on a journey across sectarian Beirut in search of their stolen scooter, their only source of livelihood.

30 Million (2020)

30 Million (2020)

Sami, Zouhair, and Hicham get involved in a trouble with the police, which results in Sami's arrest. As Hicham and Zouhair rush to request aid from...

Matar El Hob (1970)

Matar El Hob (1970)

The theatrical events revolve around a comic frame about Adel (Youssef Shaaban), the handsome young man who works at the airport as an air monitor,...

1000 Mabrouk (2009)

1000 Mabrouk (2009)

About a man who wakes up one morning to discover that the day repeats, a carbon copy of the day before, trapping him in an inescapable vicious...

The Savior (2014)

The Savior (2014)

It is a time when Rome rules the world with the power of life and death in their hands. The province of Roman Palestine is a bubbling cauldron of...

The Dealer (2010)

The Dealer (2010)

Hatred generated from an early age between on and Yusuf, ended the first rings migration on to Ukraine and Prison Joseph on his hands in Egypt, and...

Abdelinho (2021)

Abdelinho (2021)

In love with Brazil and Maria, a soap opera heroin harassed by a corrupt contractor, Abdelinho suffers parallel ordeal in Morocco by pressure of Amr...

Ayazon (2006)

Ayazon (2006)

Businessman Sayed Fawzy offers a reward of ten million pounds to those who help him find his daughter who had been missing for twenty years now....

The Spider (2022)

The Spider (2022)

A dangerous drug dealer, who manages to manufacture new drugs, sells them, and falls into many problems and chases by the police.

It's Fine (2012)

It's Fine (2012)

Qamar is a belly dancer who moves into building inhabited by several families. When she moves in, she is bombarded by the husbands' attention. The...