Romania Movies Page 46

The most popular movies from Romania page 46 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Romania, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Dream Images (2016)

Dream Images (2016)

It was 1978 and the Romanian dictator Ceausescu was in control of the country. Artists were being prosecuted and isolated due to their "unacceptable"...

Negostina (1968)

Negostina (1968)

Beautiful Negostina sets the hearts of two young men on fire during World War II.

Green Oaks (2003)

Green Oaks (2003)

Georges looks after his little sister in a remote part of Romania. They're all alone in the world. And even if fate over-takes them, life will...

Chasing rainbows (2012)

Chasing rainbows (2012)

A story about the illusion of getting rich in Romania. In a country where stories of striking it rich are everywhere, anyone thinks such a thing is...

Several Conversations About a Very Tall Girl (2018)

Several Conversations About a Very Tall Girl (2018)

Two girls begin to chat about another girl, a former lover of both. As they grow closer, the gap between them widens, as one them is looking for...

The Amazing Adventures of the Musketeers (1988)

The Amazing Adventures of the Musketeers (1988)

Three mice regularly clash with a group of cats. One day, Eye Patch the cat hurls a book at them. The mice see it is Alexandre Dumas' "Three...

Repeated Wedding (1985)

Repeated Wedding (1985)

This is the second part for the "Buletin de Bucureti" movie.

Roundtrip (1971)

Roundtrip (1971)

An eclectic film, in which suspense and cynicism sometimes meet the grotesque, "Back and forth" reminds, in many ways, the future masterpiece,...

The Village Called Sands (1969)

The Village Called Sands (1969)

Every year on August 29 ("since the world and the earth", says a local in the film), the village of Nisipuri is celebrating: there is a bâlci whose...

The Valley Resounds (1950)

The Valley Resounds (1950)

Famous Romania communist propaganda movie, one of the templates to what followed. It is about the volunteers that built the Bumbești-Livezeni...

So Bright Is the View (2014)

So Bright Is the View (2014)

Present day Bucharest. Estera is pursuing a job opportunity in Atlanta. She puts her hope in a "friend-interview" with Mike, a Romanian-American...

Three Looney Brothers (2006)

Three Looney Brothers (2006)

Based on a Romanian folk story this is the modern interpretation of the story, set in modern Bucharest. Three brothers recently moved to the City....

Copacul Dorințelor: Amintiri din Copilărie (2022)

Copacul Dorințelor: Amintiri din Copilărie (2022)

Mara, a 12 year old who is ill, embarks on a fantastic adventure filled with hope. She discovers a magical tree located near a palliative care center...

I have an Idea (1981)

I have an Idea (1981)

Some party representatives want to make a new football team.

The Green Grass of Home (1977)

The Green Grass of Home (1977)

After refusing to compromise at his job, a university professor leaves the city and returns to his native village for the first time in many years.

Audio Video (1963)

Audio Video (1963)

A comic history of telecommunications throughout the world.

Forest Fruit (1983)

Forest Fruit (1983)

The 17-year-old Amalia, the daughter of a widower lumberjack with many children, falls in love with a soldier. An irresponsible young man, the...

Matilda (2021)

Matilda (2021)

There is a place, a world, that film creates; somewhere between the harsh lines and light of reality, and the soft warm flickering of the projector....

A Lost Letter (1977)

A Lost Letter (1977)

The plot take place in 1883 in a small provincial town in Romania, where the corrupt establishment decide everything, including - of course - who...