Suriname Movies Page 5

The most popular movies from Suriname page 5 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Suriname, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Speechless (2017)

Speechless (2017)

Well-known novelist and literary monument, 55-year-old Jan Meerman's successful life is thrown upside down when his 85-year-old mother, Josée...

Allez, Eddy! (2012)

Allez, Eddy! (2012)

When the village’s first supermarket opens its doors in 1975, Freddy’s isolated life is turned upside down. To celebrate its opening, the...

The Awkward Weekend (2023)

The Awkward Weekend (2023)

A close-knit group of friends gather in French Burgundy to finally scatter ashes of their dead friend. When the widow unexpectedly brings her new...

Happy Ending (2023)

Happy Ending (2023)

A young woman quietly unsatisfied in the bedroom by her boyfriend puts their relationship to the test when she proposes to open up their sex life to...

Superette Anna (2020)

Superette Anna (2020)

March 6, 1987. A masked guy robs a local superette, but finds out there's hardly any money there. As the cops are on their way, he takes the owner...

Eep! (2010)

Eep! (2010)

Viegeltje looks like a girl but has wings instead of arms. Bird watcher Warre finds her under brushwood and takes her home. Warre and his wife Tine...

Borgman (2013)

Borgman (2013)

An enigmatic vagrant cons himself into the home life of an arrogant upper-class family, turning their lives into a psychological nightmare in the...

Marina (2013)

Marina (2013)

The true story of Rocco Granata, an Italian coal miner's son who followed his passion for music against his father's wishes and social barriers.

Black Butterflies (2011)

Black Butterflies (2011)

Confronted by Apartheid and a father who was Minister of Censorship, Ingrid Jonker searched for a home, searched for love. With men like Jack Cope...

Alibi (2008)

Alibi (2008)

Youssef, a professional liar, falls in love with airhead waitress Andrea. Things get awry as she never wants to date a guy who keeps secrets or lies.

Koko Flanel (1990)

Koko Flanel (1990)

Placide's dad tells him on his deathbed he'll haunt Placide if he doesn't find a wife soon. Placide cautiously agrees, but he only wants to settle...

Hope (2016)

Hope (2016)

The Hope Affair is the story of the fascinating affair between an impassioned woman in the midst of an attack on a conservative male bastion and an...

Ex Drummer (2007)

Ex Drummer (2007)

Three handicapped losers who form a band ask famous writer Dries to be their drummer. He joins the band and starts manipulating them.

Disappearance (2017)

Disappearance (2017)

Set in the remote winter landscape of Norway, Roos visits her mother there yearly, but this time it’s different: she brings bad news. However, old...

Amsterdam (2009)

Amsterdam (2009)

A rich American couple, a family of Dutch criminals, a French gay couple, a working class family from Germany and an illegal Moroccan youth and his...

The Amazing Wiplala (2014)

The Amazing Wiplala (2014)

Nine-year-old Johannes Blom gets blown away when he discovers a little man in the kitchen cupboard, hidden behind the peanut butter jar. He’s even...

Private Resistance (1985)

Private Resistance (1985)

Otto, a Jewish refugee who managed to escape from Berlin in the early days of WW2, is now the owner of an Amsterdam ice cream parlor. Otto's place...

Last Call (2024)

Last Call (2024)

When André, Bart and David go to do odd jobs in an old farmhouse, they no longer appear immortal. They alternate leaden seriousness with limp...

Pink Moon (2022)

Pink Moon (2022)

A young woman struggles to cope with her elderly father's out-of-the-blue announcement he considers his life complete and will end it by his next...