goat climber movies page 3

List of movies by goat climber page 3 category, if you want to know about movies goat climber, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Jean-Marc Boivin, Extremely Yours (2006)

Jean-Marc Boivin, Extremely Yours (2006)
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Jean-Marc Boivin had chosen the natural elements as his playground. In his quest for extremes and discoveries. By turns mountaineer, skier,...

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Ueli Steck – Auf schmalem Grat (2020)

Ueli Steck – Auf schmalem Grat (2020)
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Deceased but not forgotten. In 2017, Switzerland's most famous mountaineer, "Swiss Machine" Ueli Steck, fell to his death in the Himalayas when he...

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Alain Robert en solo integral (1991)

Alain Robert en solo integral (1991)
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Before tackling the ascent of urban buildings, Alain Robert was considered one of the best specialists in the "climbing" of cliffs. His passion...

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Ama Dablam, Dreams Unfolded (2017)

Ama Dablam, Dreams Unfolded (2017)
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In 1996, after seven days of extremely difficult ascent, Vanja Furlan and Tomaž Humar managed to reach the summit of Ama Dablam in Nepal on the...

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On the Circuit (2012)

On the Circuit (2012)
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In the Spring of 2012, four of America's Best Boulderers converged in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado in search of something new. Follow along...

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Legend of the Spider-Man (2009)

Legend of the Spider-Man (2009)
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Alain Robert - aka the “French Spiderman” – climbs all kind of skyscraper (to the great joy of the public and the despair of the police) with a...

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The Backstage Wall (1983)

The Backstage Wall (1983)
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Behind the scenes of the filming of a film on climbing a cliff by Patrick Berhault and Georges Unia on the parishes of the route "La Tête de Chien"...

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My Next Challenge (2020)

My Next Challenge (2020)
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Introducing the famous French Spider-Man, Alain Robert, in his home in Bali to reminisce over his past feats, mapping the mind of a world-class...

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The Nicole Brothers, Born To Climb (2020)

The Nicole Brothers, Born To Climb (2020)
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This film by Yannick Bacher tells the passion of brothers Frédéric and François Nicole for climbing. Through the sites of Cuzzago (Italy), Zurich,...

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Masters of Stone VI - Breakthrough (2009)

Masters of Stone VI - Breakthrough (2009)
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Once again, Masters of Stone breaks through to the cutting edge of the sport. Harder, Faster, Bolder, Newer, and more...six points of breakthrough in...

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2T on Paiju Peak (2015)

2T on Paiju Peak (2015)
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In 2013, Alberto Iñurrategi, Juan Vallejo and Mikel Zabalza desist in their attempt to climb Paiju Peak (6,610m). A year later, his steps cross with...

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Guido Magnone - Le Baladeur (2008)

Guido Magnone - Le Baladeur (2008)
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Guido Magnone's incredible adventure begins strangely on the banks of the Ourcq canal among a group of kids who dream of swimming. Guido, the...

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Denis Urubko - New Polish Citizen (2015)

Denis Urubko - New Polish Citizen (2015)
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Mountaineering legend Denis Urubko shares his thoughts on what mountaineering is (or isn't). "It's important to get up from the table before you're...

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Better Than Chocolate (2011)

Better Than Chocolate (2011)
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If you like Swiss chocolate and enjoy climbing, you will love this film. Showcasing footage from some of Switzerland most prominent bouldering areas,...

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Quand Les Alpinistes Font Leur Cinéma (2000)

Quand Les Alpinistes Font Leur Cinéma (2000)
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Many mountaineers as part of their activity have used cameras and films to allow us to participate through images in their adventures and their...

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Masters of Stone I (1991)

Masters of Stone I (1991)
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Masters of Stone I & II feature 2 hours of climbing action in renowned locations including Yosemite, The Needles, Smith Rock, American Fork, Owens...

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Alain Robert, Retour au Verdon (2023)

Alain Robert, Retour au Verdon (2023)
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At 60, Alain Robert has become a legend around the world, a genius clairvoyant madman from whom we do not know what to expect except that the...

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