goat climber movies page 4

List of movies by goat climber page 4 category, if you want to know about movies goat climber, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Les Conquérants De l'Impossible : Portrait De René Desmaison (1985)

Les Conquérants De l'Impossible : Portrait De René Desmaison (1985)
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This episode is part of the series "The Conquerors of the Impossible (2/3)". From the 1950s to the 1980s, René Desmaison achieved a large number of...

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Des Blocs En Valais (2008)

Des Blocs En Valais (2008)
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Boulders in Valais presents the canton of Valais in Switzerland, its bouldering climbing spots and some of its historical and current actors and...

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La Voie Terray (2007)

La Voie Terray (2007)
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Terray. This name sounds like a challenge and evokes deep respect in the memory of every mountaineer. For all, Lionel Terray remains forever the...

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The Gimp Monkeys (2012)

The Gimp Monkeys (2012)
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What has four legs, five arms and three heads? The Gimp Monkeys. Craig DeMartino lost his leg after a 100-foot climbing fall. Pete Davis with born...

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Sur Le Fil Des 4000 (2004)

Sur Le Fil Des 4000 (2004)
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Sur le fil des 4000 is a documentary film by Gilles Chapaz, which traces the last rope of the mountaineering duo Patrick Berhault and Philippe...

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Trio For One (2003)

Trio For One (2003)
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Daulagiri (8167m), Naga Parbat (8125m) and Broad Peak (8051m) are among the 14 peaks in the world. Jean-Christophe Lafaille has set himself the goal...

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Masters of Stone IV - Pure Force (1997)

Masters of Stone IV - Pure Force (1997)
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DAN OSMAN Speed Free-Solo / Major Air RON KAUK5.14b Yosemite and Tuolumne CA CHRIS SHARMA5.13d Mickey's Beach and Pinnacles CA ALEX HUBER 5.14d...

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The Wall Crawler: The Verticle Adventures of Alain Robert (1998)

The Wall Crawler: The Verticle Adventures of Alain Robert (1998)
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A breathtaking look at The French Spiderman, Alain Robert, a lone climber who scales tall buildings, bridges and cliffs all over the world. His...

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Masters of Stone V (2000)

Masters of Stone V (2000)
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Yet more American climbing mayhem. Speed big wall soloing by Dean Potter, Dan Osman's world record rope jump, slack lining. Dean Potter is a human...

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