1986 Movies Page 4

The most popular movies 1986 page 4 which is currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies 1986, you can do it here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

No Retreat, No Surrender (1986)

No Retreat, No Surrender (1986)

Young Jason Stillwell moves with his parents to Seattle, where local bullies harass them without mercy. Jason's father Tom does not believe in...

Heartburn (1986)

Heartburn (1986)

Rachel is a food writer at a New York magazine who meets Washington columnist Mark at a wedding and ends up falling in love with him despite her...

Chopping Mall (1986)

Chopping Mall (1986)

A group of teenagers that work at the mall all get together for a late night party in one of the stores. When the mall goes on lock down before they...

Lucas (1986)

Lucas (1986)

A socially inept fourteen year old experiences heartbreak for the first time when his two best friends -- Cappie, an older-brother figure, and...

Mona Lisa (1986)

Mona Lisa (1986)

George is a small-time crook just out of prison who discovers his tough-guy image is out of date. Reduced to working as a minder/driver for high...

Police Academy 3: Back in Training (1986)

Police Academy 3: Back in Training (1986)

When police funding is cut, the Governor announces he must close one of the academies. To make it fair, the two police academies must compete against...

Little Shop of Horrors (1986)

Little Shop of Horrors (1986)

Seymour Krelborn is a nerdy orphan working at Mushnik's, a flower shop in urban Skid Row. He harbors a crush on fellow co-worker Audrey Fulquard, and...

From Beyond (1986)

From Beyond (1986)

The Resonator, a powerful machine that can control the sixth sense, has killed its creator and sent his associate into an insane asylum. When a...

Running Scared (1986)

Running Scared (1986)

Two street-wise Chicago cops have to shake off some rust after returning from a Key West vacation to pursue a drug dealer that nearly killed them in...

Jumpin' Jack Flash (1986)

Jumpin' Jack Flash (1986)

Terry works for a bank, and uses computers to communicate with clients all over the world. One day, she gets a strange coded message from an unknown...

Psycho III (1986)

Psycho III (1986)

When Maureen Coyle, a suicidal nun who resembles Norman's former victim, Marion Crane, arrives at the motel, all bets are off and "Mother" is less...

The Delta Force (1986)

The Delta Force (1986)

A 707 aircraft jetliner, en route from Athens to Rome and then to New York City, is hijacked by Lebanese terrorists, who demand that the pilot take...

Legal Eagles (1986)

Legal Eagles (1986)

District Attorney Tom Logan is set for higher office, at least until he becomes involved with defence lawyer Laura Kelly and her unpredictable client...

Devil in the Flesh (1986)

Devil in the Flesh (1986)

An Italian high school student becomes infatuated with a woman he sees outside his class window. Her fiancée is in jail for being involved in a...

A Room with a View (1986)

A Room with a View (1986)

When Lucy Honeychurch and chaperon Charlotte Bartlett find themselves in Florence with rooms without views, fellow guests Mr Emerson and son George...

Entrails of a Beautiful Woman (1986)

Entrails of a Beautiful Woman (1986)

A nurse starts to investigate why a woman who came to her office committed suicide. She discovers that a Yakuza gang is using an unusual drug to...

Thrashin' (1986)

Thrashin' (1986)

Corey and his band of skater buddies sometimes make mischief, but they're more interested in girls and having fun on their boards than in getting...

Troll (1986)

Troll (1986)

When a family moves into a San Francisco apartment, an opportunistic troll decides to make his move and take possession of little Wendy (Jenny Beck),...

Youngblood (1986)

Youngblood (1986)

A skilled young hockey prospect hoping to attract the attention of professional scouts is pressured to show that he can fight if challenged during...

Pretty in Pink (1986)

Pretty in Pink (1986)

Andie is an outcast, hanging out either with her older boss, who owns the record store where she works, or her quirky high school classmate Duckie,...