Bosnia and Herzegovina Movies Page 6

The most popular movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina page 6 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Ticker Collector (2010)

The Ticker Collector (2010)

The violent clash encounter between a ticket collector and a drunk without a ticket, in the tram, turns into an unexpected possible friendship.

Well Tempered Corpses (2005)

Well Tempered Corpses (2005)

A couple of morticians entertain themselves by betting on how many cold customers will come in that day. But one of the corpses refuses to...

Bosnia! (1994)

Bosnia! (1994)

The carnage in Sarajevo provides the focus of this French documentary which seeks to call attention to the terrible conflict in the hopes of finally...

The Tunnel (2000)

The Tunnel (2000)

The plot of this film is set in an idyllic village in the middle of Bosnia, connected with outer world only with a tunnel. Story begins in 1996, when...

Threads of Homeland (2011)

Threads of Homeland (2011)

A human emotional story that introduces us to true human values, but also to longing for our homeland.

Die Before Death (2023)

Die Before Death (2023)

Zlatan B. is 38, and appears to be hard as a rock and drop-dead gorgeous. He is a respectable gynecologist with no moral dilemmas concerning...

Counterpoint (2019)

Counterpoint (2019)

In a small registry office of a local government department, there is nothing new under the neon lights. The manager of the office and his employees...

It's Hard to Be Nice (2007)

It's Hard to Be Nice (2007)

Story about a forty-something Sarajevo taxi driver named Fudo (Saša Petrović) who decides to take control of his own destiny. Fudo doesn't earn...

Damaged Goods (2015)

Damaged Goods (2015)

Tarik lives alone and works in the warehouse of a supermarket. He's lonely and kills time hanging around with two colleagues. New worker comes to the...

Rooster (2018)

Rooster (2018)

It is the International Women's Day. Today, a Police Inspector Danijel will finally show his affection to his colleague Stella. Today, a victim of...

Toni (2022)

Toni (2022)

A sleep-deprived woman arrives home to find a stranger in the house adamant he is her son.

Totally Personal (2005)

Totally Personal (2005)

Totally Personal creates a historical document both droll and touching out of Begovic and his family's memories, meditations, and observations. The...

42 1/2 (2003)

42 1/2 (2003)

After the war, two friends are together again. Every year they buy one pair of new shoes.

Invisible (2017)

Invisible (2017)

A man on the verge of existence decides to make a desperate move.

Vanishing (2018)

Vanishing (2018)

Nestajanje is the story of an oneiric and surreal journey taken by a girl to look for her missing grandmother inside the nursing home.

1395 Days without Red (2011)

1395 Days without Red (2011)

Film follows a woman walking this very route. She stops, hesitates, runs. She waits, calculates and bends down. Every crossing is a new challenge and...

J the Film (2018)

J the Film (2018)

'J' tells the story of a man who lives an isolated life before encountering a woman that will open up, for a while, his controlled world. In 'J',...

Heroes for a Day (2005)

Heroes for a Day (2005)

A comic tale of a group of boys and a pretty girl who try to make easy buck.

The Cleaner (2019)

The Cleaner (2019)

A short documentary about a man on dialysis who recounts moments from his life, as well that of his brother who has a habit of cleaning after others.